(any stans- pls come answer) how long is the ideal....

  • how long is the ideal wait between singles (for one album) 20

    1. 2 months (5) 25%
    2. 3 months (5) 25%
    3. 4 months (4) 20%
    4. 1 month (2) 10%
    5. 2 weeks (1) 5%
    6. 5 months (1) 5%
    7. 6-8 months (1) 5%
    8. 9-11 months (1) 5%
    9. might as well wait a year (0) 0%
    10. it doesn’t matter (0) 0%
    11. other (comment please!) (0) 0%

    what is the ideal amount of time between singles for an album?

    i always thought leaving 2 months in between is perfect for promoting the first one, teasers for the second one, etc.

    ex: there’s a single in early march, promote it for march and april and have the second single drop in early may.... maybe 6 weeks for promo and 1-2 weeks for teasing the new song....

    but i’ve recently discovered some people disagree (they think longer or shorter)

    for example: madison beer’s last album

    a single in january 2020

    a single in february 2020 (2 weeks later)

    a single in august 2020 (6 months later)

    lead single in january 2021 (5 months later)

    the album in february 2021 (just after)

    that seems so weird to me. the hype from the first two singles died down by the third one, then that hype died down before the lead single and album dropped....

    please tell me your thoughts. don’t be afraid to type out a little bit. i’ll read every comment. i’m so curious about other people’s opinion on this since it can make or break hype/a release cycle

  • I feel like anywhere from 2-3 months, if the singles all get released too close to each other, it's either kind of overwhelming or makes it less exciting. especially if there's multiple singles.

    Madison Beer's album was pretty good btw, just wasn't a fan of most of the singles.

    honestly, yes! her album tracks were mostly really good and the singles fell short

    she really suits that intimate style of her album more than the bold one that she always does in singles. hopefully she’ll tone down that “edge” and realize her strong suit is actually what she has going on those unprompted tracks!

    2-3 months does sound perfect right? like 3 months would be if the song was doing really good and you could get more out of the promo still and 2 months could be if it didn’t make a ton of noise

  • honestly, yes! her album tracks were mostly really good and the singles fell short

    she really suits that intimate style of her album more than the bold one that she always does in singles. hopefully she’ll tone down that “edge” and realize her strong suit is actually what she has going on those unprompted tracks!

    2-3 months does sound perfect right? like 3 months would be if the song was doing really good and you could get more out of the promo still and 2 months could be if it didn’t make a ton of noise

    Yep, I personally prefer her slower, more personal songs. :thumbup:

    I think the amount of time between singles also depends on how many will be released, and the album release date. But overall, 2-3 months is a decent amount of time.

  • so would you say it depends on how well (longevity and exposure) the song is doing?

    Right. Because if a song is doing exceptionally well, it makes no sense to interrupt it's success to release another single. Let the song chart as high as it needs to and then, when interest begins to drop considerably, it's time for a new single.

  • 3 months

    suppose the track gets released on 1st January

    usually promotion time depends on popularity of group, but lets take a moderately-well off group who is still rising as the average for now

    the promotions, only including awards, performance videos, behind-the-scenes, M-countdown performances should be for a month at least for some good hype, which will end by around February 1

    Next, some appearances in variety shows and small content, with the idols resting for a month or so ending by March 1, basically giving the song some time to chart higher

    last month for them to finish off the minute details regarding the release, filming the music video if needed etc. with the teasers emerging 1.5 weeks before actual release with solo teasers released 2 weeks before as well, ending with the release of the second single on April 1... also, if needed, different versions of the teaser, if it has different themes, can also be released, might add to the hype

    the time between the 2nd and 3rd month can be shaved off by 1-2 weeks, but that is the max for a good hype around it

    tbh, this only applies to groups rising in popularity, more so than domestic popularity, but it differs mostly, based on the group and its style as well

    Even on sleepless nights


    Look each other in the eyes

    Edited once, last by egb-musiclover ().

  • for bts they kinda release something or other every two months be it official or unofficial so 2-3 months for them.

    For txt -5 months probably

    Bb4 - probably 8 -10months lol, their releases are really spaced out

  • Its good when u release with gap ,one it will increase the hype of the song two, the artists will have much time to film it plus they wont be stressed

    do you think the time should be less for nugu artists then?

    a gap won’t build hype for them.... just make people forget them, won’t it?

  • Right. Because if a song is doing exceptionally well, it makes no sense to interrupt it's success to release another single. Let the song chart as high as it needs to and then, when interest begins to drop considerably, it's time for a new single.

    do you think it’s worth it, even if it means less music?

    for instance... what if a song does really well for like a whole year? should they not release anything else or is there like am amount of time where it’s okay to release a new one (even if the previous one is still killing it)

    like say if a song stayed #1 for a year or two (just a hypothetical) at what point do you say “well it has a life of its own now, let’s promote something new”?

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