We have a lot of exciting updates to announce this week!
Raising the bar!
After considering the helpful suggestions and feedback we received around AllKill, we've decided to raise the amount of free monthly akorns to 500. That's the equivalent of the $5 cost and with all the extras such as an ad free experience, VIP priority at AKP events (wait till you see what we have lined up!) and unlimited aesthetic changes, plus new custom options being added weekly. As a token of our thanks, all current members will receive an additional 500 this month!
So what are you waiting for? Get the VIP experience you deserve!
Try It On!
Also due to the feedback from the poll we ran last week, we are happy to announce our new Try It On! feature. Just open up your profile and edit! You will see a button to Try It On that will open a "virtual dressing room"! Whether you are an AllKill VIP or not, you will be able to see what various options would look like together on your messages so that you can build your aesthetic more easily with visual clues. AllKill VIPs, these options will change your selections so that you can easily confirm and save your choices once satisfied.
Custom Additions
Our favorite part is seeing what's new right? Here are the custom emblems that have been added to AllKill options. Left to right: Fading Frames, Butterfly, Sweet and Whimsy
We got some user feedback in creating these and would love more because we want AllKill to give YOU what YOU want and enhance your experience. Reply or DM staff - either way thank you in advance!