a lyric analysis on ATEEZ's 'THE WORLD EP1 : MOVEMENT

  • Decided to make a thread like this one again.

    Except it is probably going to be more like "thoughts" and stuff.

    And this might contain "misinterpretations".

    I'm also going to look at the translated version of the lyrics, so there might be some thing that got lost in translations.

    This is probably going to feel like classes in school, where you have to analyse poems and stuff.

    But this thread is kind of just for fun. (I'm doing it because I want to, and wasn't told by anyone to do this analysis)


    Wake up
    Wake up, world

    The album starts with ATEEZ trying to wake up the world.

    Then we get to this:

    Lies, control, rules
    Numb, hatred, emptiness
    Selfishness, lies, surveillance
    Control, repression, rules
    Numb, emptiness, contradict
    Selfishness, betray
    Surveillance, cruelty

    Some words to describe the world that ATEEZ are living in and want to change.

    The "Are you seeing this? Eyes in the skies" makes me think of Big Brother.

    Or at least, when you are being watched.

    If you look at the album cover, you actually see the PROPAGANDA lyrics on it.

    The rest of PROPAGANDA is "woah-oh", which I don't think means anything deep lol


    I have listened to this song a lot without thinking much about the lyrics, except the English ones.

    The song starts with:

    The red light is exploding
    Spreading over the gray city

    That part reminds me of "Take Me Home"

    In that song, it has the parts: "Getting out of the gray city Following the light To that place in our memory" and "Under the red sun I stand Let's hold hands till the sun falls down"

    Even though I'm not sure if "red sun" can be compared to "red light"

    But at least they are talking about a gray city.

    The "city" in the music video of Guerrilla might be the grey city.

    The grey city makes em think of the world that the book The Giver by Lois Lowry takes place in. (but it feels like a long time ago since I read that book)

    I want to know
    What is love?
    What it feels like?

    That line seems a bit cliché.

    It seems kind of like a line that you would hear in a typical love song.

    But I feel like this isn't about romantic love (or not only that kind of love)

    What is the truth? I wanna know
    Let's go into the sector one

    I interpreted this as them trying to find out the truth by going to sector 1. (I admit that I don't know what sector 1 is)

    Let's go, everyone wake up

    Again with the "wake up", which we also heard in PROPAGANDA.

    Make it rain, yeah, yeah
    Yeah, yeah

    Makes me think of the part of the Rhythm Ta performance on Kingdom, where it was raining paper.

    In the Guerrilla music video, there is also raining paper.

    In the last chorus, the lyrics go from:

    Let's go, to the streets of the abyss
    Let's go, to the twisted truth
    Let's go, everyone wake up

    To this:

    Let's go, everyone go here
    Let's go, all true
    Let's go, everything is burning up


    In the city where darkness falls
    The lights are dancing a dance of chaos

    Again, we see city and lights mentioned in the beginning of a song.

    The city is probably the "grey city"

    I'm not sure what more to say about this song, so I'll look at what one wiki has to say about it.

    "The boys who started to slowly open their blindfolded eyes met people who were paralyzed. It is an EDM genre song that expresses the confused emotions and DYSTOPIA in the feeling that something is wrong."

    Reminds me of how in the The Giver, the world seems like a Utopia but actually... it isn't...


    The title track of the album.

    Turn the board over this game

    Makes me think of the part of Sector 1 that says: "Are you ready for the game?"

    Boring, boring, sick and tired again

    Makes me think of the line "I'm sick and tired of it" from THANXX.

    But this is them being sick and tired from something else.

    disappearing emotion
    expression is losing the light
    laughter is controlled
    Only numbness left, no, oh

    Makes me think of the part of the Rhythm Ta performance where you hear "Human decease is emotion" (or what on earth they were saying)

    Shoot the flashing light

    is that why Sector 1 talked about a red light exploding?

    Also, that part makes me think of part of Hala Hala "Deep in my heart, deep in my soul A flashing light that has rekindled"

    but I feel like it might be more about the red light than the flashing light deep down their heart and soul.

    Dance, Break that wall, with our feel

    Well... in the beginning of the Rhythm Ta performance, you see that dancing is prohibited.

    Wake up the world, we are, woah

    Again we see them mentioning waking up the world.

    Music is the weapon, Hooligan (Hooligan)

    Music is also prohibited.

    and they are using not just music, but also dancing and art as a weapon.

    Living with the eyes of emotion closed

    I have noticed in the choreography of that part, it has some of the members covering their eyes.

    And as it was said before, "Human decease is emotion"

    With both ears covered, with both eyes covered
    Like a duplicated doll, can’t live like that
    Everyone raise your heads, face to face
    Look at the grayish world, ooh

    This time they are also talking about ears being covered.

    And they are telling people to look at the grayish world and see how dystopic it is.


    No, it has nothing to do with the Japanese horror movie.

    Shout louder! Shout out loud!
    We got power, make a wave
    Change the world
    We got the power, make it rain

    Again, we see "make it rain" and "make a wave".

    One ring to rule them all
    One ring to bring them all

    An obvious reference to Lord of the Rings, where there is this written on the One Ring: "One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."


    White flames spread
    A paradise where only ashes remain (Just leave me alone)
    In a world about to explode
    I'm losing me more and more

    Well... the song seems like it is about a world that has gotten worse, and they feel affected by it and don't know where to go.


    Hello world, can't you see?
    The wave of light
    Wake up world, how do you feel?

    Again, we see "wake up world"

    When you open your eyes and face the truth
    Only then can the world change

    Open up your eyes, open up your eyes

    Again we see "opening your eyes" like we saw in some other songs.

    It seems like they changed the world and that it now has become a new world.

    BTW interestingly, ATEEZ was orignally going to be called "New World"


    Done analyzing the lyrics of this album.

    Well... I wonder how EP2 is going to be.


    Tagging xx-jenn-xx because she is my friend and might like this thread.

    and Pearl-Iris because that user hearted and commented on the other thread, where I did an analysis of a different ATEEZ album.

    Not sure if this is a thread that needs all ATINY tagged.

    I used hours making this thread, so it would be awkward if this flopped.

  • I just woke up and it will take me a bit to read this, i'll edit my post once i have!

    EDIT: this is a good analysis of the lyrics, and I really thought i saw a lot of elements from the Rhythm Ta kingdom performance in Guerrilla and some of the lyrics. Sector 1 starting off the beginning of the song with the ending of Answer's MV music is intriguing. It seems like they are battling against something trying to get people to wake up and snap out of some trance and encourage people to "fight against/leave" whatever world they are in. New World does seem like the perfect ending song of another chapter and maybe in the 2nd album they'll talk more about this "new place". The ending of Guerrilla leaves a lot to be talked about as well, seems like maybe one person woke up from whatever is going on.

  • Interesting thread!


    I want to know
    What is love?
    What it feels like?

    That line seems a bit cliché. It seems kind of like a line that you would hear in a typical love song.

    But I feel like this isn't about romantic love (or not only that kind of love)

    In fact, it's true what you say there. When in most dramas this moment represents the moment when the person question his feelings... here, it simply represents someone who doesn't feel anything, who has never had feelings and who are therefore wondering about this.

    In short, the "grey" world of Ateez, called Strictland in the diary album, is ruled by a government that decided that human emotions were a flaw and therefore "suppressed" them. (They do this using a chip in the ear, where they pass propaganda "you are always right, we are right because you are right"....)

    So basically Ateez is going to break the control that the government has over people... and make them suddenly find the emotions for people who have never felt anything in their life. So yeah, they don't even know what love is...

  • I just woke up and it will take me a bit to read this, i'll edit my post once i have!

    EDIT: this is a good analysis of the lyrics, and I really thought i saw a lot of elements from the Rhythm Ta kingdom performance in Guerrilla and some of the lyrics. Sector 1 starting off the beginning of the song with the ending of Answer's MV music is intriguing. It seems like they are battling against something trying to get people to wake up and snap out of some trance and encourage people to "fight against/leave" whatever world they are in. New World does seem like the perfect ending song of another chapter and maybe in the 2nd album they'll talk more about this "new place". The ending of Guerrilla leaves a lot to be talked about as well, seems like maybe one person woke up from whatever is going on.

    As I was reading the lyrics, it almost felt like I was reading chapters of a story or something.

    The fact that the beginning of Sector 1 can be heard in the end of the Answer music video, made me want to try comparing the lyrics of these two songs, but I was thinking "nevermind".

    I'm also interested in knowing what might happen in EP2.

    Well... this thread makes me want to make more threads like these.

    Maybe instead of making entire album ones, I could make some that are one song. (it could be songs that I like)

    The ones where I choose one song might take less time to make lol

  • Why not? imo even if others don't respond at least they'll read it and it does give inside, just tag your friends, or if it's about a group just tag the fandom, nothing wrong with doing these, there's so many people on twitter and other places who analyze songs and look for the clues to the storyline.

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