Would this anime be considered featuring grooming?

  • So, I went on an anime binge this weekend. Just catching up on the anime released for the Summer 2022 season before the Fall season starts when I came across this anime: My Recently Hired Maid is Suspicious


    And, it's basically about this boy who loses his parents in an accident, and so he hires a random maid that just shows up at his door one day to take care of him. Starts out really cute, and it's obvious he has a crush on his maid, which in and of itself isn't weird. Then, it's kind of hinted that she might return his feelings (she gets easily embarrassed when he basically declares his love for her and she gets jealous when he starts giving a cat more attention than her), and that's when things get uncomfy for me. I'm like...wtf? How old is this kid? In my mind, I was like, maybe he's like 13/14, and she's like 15 and the author wants to use her as fan service (which honestly is problematic all on it's own) so he makes her look older.

    Then, I Google it, and the kid is like 10 years-old, and people speculate she's 15-20 years old, and I'm like.... :pepe-back-away:

    So, yeah, I dropped this show. Like, I don't think Lilith (that's the maid's name) is going to do anything inappropriate with a 10 year old. It's not that kind of show/manga, but I can't help but feel like they are going to end up together. I guess, it technically would not be grooming if let's say she quits, and they meet up with each other when Yuuri is an adult, but I just find it weird how no one else finds it weird lol? Like, if this was a 10 year-old girl ogling and thirsting after a 15-20 year old guy and him playing into it, alarm bells would be sounding. Not in Japan since they really dgaf. But, in the west, definitely.

    So, I wondered, am I the only one who is a little weirded out?



  • this kind of trope is more common than you think in manga. its all just fetish shit that they try to hide just enough so it can still be played on tv when it gets turned into an anime. just like all the incest plots

  • Animes in general often feature pedophilia so honestly it isn't far fetched to believe something weird is going on with the narrative. Shota and loli content is very normalized in anime and the trope is everywhere

    its disgusting the lengths some weebs will go to defend these anime that are straight up pedo bait or even actually have characters that are actual pedos but they explain away with the "hes reincarnated.. his physical body is 10 so hes same age as these 10 year olds".. disgusting <X


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Animes in general often feature pedophilia so honestly it isn't far fetched to believe something weird is going on with the narrative. Shota and loli content is very normalized in anime and the trope is everywhere

    Yes, it is really crazy how normalized pedo behavior is in anime. No one bats an eye. Was watching a show not too long ago where a girl in high school forced herself on a boy in elementary, and no one around him was like..."Hey, that's weird. Might want to report that." They were just hyping on the fact he got his 1st kiss.

    Glad I'm not the only one who's like....ummmmm pepe-ooh



  • Literally mushoku tensei

    Don’t understand how people watch that shit :pepe-cross:

    thats the anime i was talking about... most disgusting anime ive ever seen and the fact that its hyped so much in the anime community and anyone who rightfully calls it out is called an "SJW" is just... :pepe-shame: no anime no matter how good the plot or animation (all of which they use to defend them watching it) will keep me watching if it contains any hint of pedo behaviour. :pepe-cross:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • I remember when the anime first came out and I expected everyone to drag it’s ass but no, now it’s one of the most popular anime like :clown:

    Anime community be calling EVERYONE a SJW just because they have a normal moral compass, like I swear the shit that they be defending… biggest reason I left anime and manga forums and subreddits

    went on r/anime expecting people to rightfully condemn the anime but instead found each episodes discussion be the most upvoted, with all the downvoted comments being any that were calling it out and users defending it as the "mc having flaws".. <X if there's ever one good thing MT did then it was exposing how questionable a lot of weebs are and how true the stereotypes people have of them are...there reaches a point where if you are defending something like that then it shows a lot more about who you are tbh :pepe-cross:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



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