why do people villainize insecurity

  • i dont see anything wrong with being aware of your shortcomings cause we ALL have shortcomings, some more than others

    whats wrong with being aware of them and expressing them directly ( known as being "insecure" ) denying it doesnt make you less insecure in the first place

    now i'd understand the best solution being actually working on our shortcomings or improving our value in some other way but why "insecurity bad confidence good" is thrown around so easily?

    anyone can explain?

    u r m o m g a y


  • I was actually thinking about this.

    People claim to be so positive and progressive about mental health, but the moment someone expresses their insecurities, they judge and look at them differently from before. That makes it much harder for us to open up about our vulnerabilities. There's still stigma associated with "weakness."

    I noticed this is what men often have to deal with, too. The "in" thing these days is to dismantle toxic masculinity and encourage men to open up, but the moment we're letting ourselves be vulnerable, we're judged and looked at much differently. There's still a long way to go.

  • anything perceived as weak is always going to be looked down upon. in the grand scheme of things if you get done in by your weakness, it's ultimately that weakness's fault.

    Now, since humanity has since become such a successful interdependent species, most of these weaknesses now are no longer a threat to life and as such we should respect that. If someone knows their weakness, that's awesome; you always get hurt by threats you don't see. I honestly think we're at a part where the front lines have marched so far that not everyone can or even want to keep up. and there are people marching in irrelevant or the wrong directions.

    tl;dr there's a deep rooted reason for the villainization but when thought about logically, knowing one's weaknesses is better than not.

    its only a matter of time before people come around and see as such.

  • I'll add to what kata said that the real world is not nice...it's very not nice...

    it's a dog eat dog world for the most part and any perceived weakness maybe pounced upon and devoured like an injured gazelle...

    obviously not everyone is like that but one doesn't need everyone to be like that since if it's only a couple of people to exploited such weakness that's sometimes all it takes...

  • I'll add to what kata said that the real world is not nice...it's very not nice...

    it's a dog eat dog world for the most part and any perceived weakness maybe pounced upon and devoured like an injured gazelle...

    obviously not everyone is like that but one doesn't need everyone to be like that since if it's only a couple of people to exploited such weakness that's sometimes all it takes...

    Very insightful responses. Brutal but true.

  • People who are not as insecure like to pick on people who are more insecure, at least in some cases. Why? Because it helps them feel better than them, thus boosting their confidence and making them even more confident, and thus less insecure. It also makes them feel more powerful that they can pick on someone else, and some people are very power hungry.

    Picking on people who are insecure... Ironically, that is still insecurity. Truly secure people wouldn't feel the need to pick on others to feel a false sense of superiority.

  • Picking on people who are insecure... Ironically, that is still insecurity. Truly secure people wouldn't feel the need to pick on others to feel a false sense of superiority.

    True, which is what I was thinking as I was typing that up. Perhaps some of the people who claim to not be insecure secretly are in some ways, just less so. Or maybe it's all just a move for more power. Or maybe it has nothing to do with that and I have no clue what I'm talking about. Probably the last one.

  • People who are not as insecure like to pick on people who are more insecure, at least in some cases. Why? Because it helps them feel better than them, thus boosting their confidence and making them even more confident, and thus less insecure. It also makes them feel more powerful that they can pick on someone else, and some people are very power hungry.

    well picking on the weak has been a constant in human history...

    why pick on someone one's own size or power when it's easier and far more "profitable" to exploit the weak and powerless...

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