Which is better, loval popularity or international popularity?

  • 2ne1 and snsd didn't have vast difference in international popularity at first place. Plus 2ne1 got fucked over by the company and the members never were able to build a strong solo fanbase.

  • Ya 😔 female idols cant escape drug scandals. Bigbang also still under their company yg so they have bigger influence but 2ne1 members are under smaller companies.

    Well YG was willing to let 2NE1 go, since they had a replacement.

    YG went all out defending Big Bang members, because they did not have a BG replacement for them.

    Probably knowing that Korean society is more willing to forgive males and not females for problematic issues.

  • well one has to understand where one's future "iron rice bowl" lies...ie. where one's future potential source of $$$ is coming from?

    are you an english speaker? japanese? Chinese ? maybe another language?

    where do you intend to promote moving forward? where do your fans lie? where do your endorsements lie? etc etc

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