are you proud of your privileges
MANY (id say a huge majority) of rich and attractive people are definitely very proud of their privilege and few of them try to hide the ego boost it gives them
was gonna say this
No privilege as such! just loving and supportive parents
i can half relate
It wasn't a privilege as such, but I grew up in an upper middle class family where my father worked away and was a good provider. Sure we had money and went on fancy holidays, but I appreciated what he did for us (well, maybe not then, I was a spoilt brat) but now I work hard to support myself and my daughter for all the things we want and need.
Completely appreciate of privileges afforded by efforts of those before me. Be annoying to keep inventing the Wheel or creating fire.
nope I'm only proud of the things my close friends and family and I have worked for and earned
Honestly my family is comfortable so keep that in mind when I say this:
Truth be told: I regret my privilege.
I'm still feeding off my parents (to a lesser degree than a full child but still) It was high time about a million years ago for me to get my act together.
Honestly my family is comfortable so keep that in mind when I say this:
Truth be told: I regret my privilege.
I'm still feeding off my parents (to a lesser degree than a full child but still) It was high time about a million years ago for me to get my act together.
i dont think its necessarily a bad thing if your parents like supporting you
although yes it always feels great to pay them back
what kind of privilege?
well I am happy that I was born healthy and has supportive family
Damn, I'm trying to figure out if I actually have any hereditary privilege.
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