korean media has shifted focus from dating scandals to bullying scandals.

  • Back in the days dating scandals were huge. like i still remember the time when everyone was less exited for new year but more to which couple dispatch gonna reveal.

    Since kpop is increasing in it's reach, i think they have came to senses that dating isn't gonna affect an idol like it used to. (i hope you remember BH and TY tragedy)

    And do you think these bullying accusations were no where to be found in previous times? i think they weren't exposed on purpose because something more exciting more juicy was already there.

    A false accusation can literally end someone's carrier or can have permanent damage. At least people forgot about dating scandal but the other one stays!

    It's nice to have someone's wrong doings to be exposed! i would never stan a bully. but the media doesn't care about all that. And we never get to know the whole story

    i forgot my original point, :pepe-shame:

  • I think Burning Sun scandal already shifted people minds

    they've realized that dating between Idols 'es normal'

    then those bullying scandals started to pop up one after another and it "helped" even more

    obviously if there would be situation when married actor would cheat on wife and it will be reported by Dispatch people would go crazy especially if that would be romance with his co-star, but that's already married world, not 'dating' thing

  • Yep, unless the GP push back, this will continue to get worse. Any media outlet could pick up on some random comment and next thing you know bang, idol is now on the chopping block (and being bullied themselves) for something that may or may not of happened when they were children.

    I really feel bad for future trainees as now they have an EXTRA big bullet to try and dodge.

    "We're always with InSomnia, we can spend more time, beyond limits together!"

  • I mean, these days, bullying scandals are easier to track and expose due to the internet.

    And, as far as dating, it has never really hurt the big agencies. Idols have been caught dating throughout the Big 3, and it has not affected their careers. Then again, most of those idols get caught after they have already reached a certain status in their careers.

    Dating scandals tend to hurt nugus and rookies most.



  • well with the rise of the internet and social media and anonymity - the court of public opinion counts a lot more these days compared to previously...

    if you win in the court of public opinion does a real court even matter?

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