Someone I Considered A Friend Said They Don't See Me As A Friend(Advice pls)

  • So yeah, the thing in the title just happened. I have mentioned this "friend" in one of my earlier threads and yeah. But let me give some background info.

    So during my 8th grade graduation my parents met her parents along with another friend of mine's parents and we found out that both of them were going to India and my parents said we should meet up after they come back and their parents said sure. They also exchanged phone numbers. My "friend" wasn't around at this time but the other person was.

    I texted her recently asking if she came back from India and she said yes and asked why and I said my mom wanted to invite them over to our house and yeah. She responded back that she's not comfortable coming over cause we're not friends or anything and I texted back ok.

    I genuinely thought she considered me a friend all this time so I am really surprised by this. I have known her since 6th grade, she stans a group that I stan, we have classes together and we sit in the same lunch table.

    I am really confused cus she even gave me her phone number(I don't think I asked for it) and showed me around in 7th grade last day(I was doing remote learning and did inperson for the last day of school in 7th grade).

    So yeah, now I am confused, do other people that I considered my friends don't see me as their friend too.

    I really don't know what to say to my parents either because they were really hoping she and her family would come over cus both our families speak the same language. Like what am I going to say, that she said I am not her friend?

    So yeah, I need some advice.

  • Seems like you two just have two different definitions of what a friend is?

    She probably just sees you as an acquittance. Like, have you two ever just hung out one on one. Just you two and talked? Or even within the group, have you guys ever just conversed by yourselves?

    From how you described your relationship, I probably would not have seen you as a "friend" either, but someone I was "friendly" with.

    My advice would be to let your parent's set something up with her parents if they really want to have her family over, and if her family really wants to come over. Might want to let them know of the situation with her as well. Just so it does not seem like you're trying to force each other to hang out. But, if your parents are the one's who want this little get together, then they should be the one's to set this thing up and not leave it to the kids. Just my opinion. I don't know anything about your family's culture norms though, so keep that in mind.



  • In school I have hung out with her one on one a long time ago in 7th grade. But in 8th grade I guess it all started to change and we didn't talk one on one anymore and it was more of a few convos along the way but I still considered her a friend.

    Thanks for the advice, I guess I will tell my parents.

  • In school I have hung out with her one on one a long time ago in 7th grade. But in 8th grade I guess it all started to change and we didn't talk one on one anymore and it was more of a few convos along the way but I still considered her a friend.

    Thanks for the advice, I guess I will tell my parents.

    It happens. Middle school and high school are weird times in our lives lol. You'll gain and lose a lot of friends and acquaintances, and as you get older, you'll learn what real friendships feel like.



  • communication my friend

    if you truly wanted to find out then you should take to said person and understand the situation from their POV and also for them to understand your POV (that's if you want) since all we can do is interpolate how things work from your perspective...

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