If you are a Once, enjoy every moment of this period.
If you ever thought about becoming a Once, this is the best time, try not to miss it.
If I separate Twice's career into periods, I'd say that 2016-2018 was the period of Antiquity, 2019-2021 are the Middle Ages and the 2022 - is the Renaissance. It is rediscovering of what made Twice great during their debut days, but not copying it, instead evolving it into something new. It is a rebirth of Twice. That's the word that I constantly had in mind when I was repeatedly listening to Celebrate these past few days. God, I can't describe how emotionally touching this song and this whole era is, I can't fathom the idea of hearing it as an encore stage at a Twice concert. It'll just ruin us.
God, I love Twice