Do you think racists are getting bolder where you live?
they are always pretty bold where i live
Yes. Racism and islamphobia is a growing problem.
If they are, and I really hope they aren't because they suck, I haven't noticed it much where I am, thank goodness.
well maybe a long time ago there was but Australia is a pretty multicultural country and although of course there's racism and racist behaviour I don't think I've seen it recently or at least not in my little neck of the woods
I live in a very multicultural city
Minorities are racist to each other all the time.
Even the arson incident was one poc person setting another poc person on fire.
I live in a very multicultural city
Minorities are racist to each other all the time.
Even the arson incident was one poc person setting another poc person on fire.
that's not very good
I guess it's the culture...in Australia we have a pretty good (globally speaking) laid back culture
like people come to Australia for a better life (my parents did) and lots of others slowly integrate themselves into the culture and accept it into their lives regardless of whether they are Chinese or African or European or whatever ...
Local area wise? Nah, I live in a pretty diverse area so it’d be hard to be outwardly racist because you’ll offend more than just 1 person or family.
Country wise? Well brexit was mainly based on xenophobia and racism and I felt racism was certainly more noticeable in those few years after the initial vote and up to before covid. I personally haven’t subject to racism in recent years (at least not directly toward me) but some of my family have and so have have friends including 1 who got racially abused at work without repercussion but when he retaliated verbally just once he got suspended without pay and soon quit after that.
Plus this week someone set a woman on fire in public transit due to racial hate.
…and yes, i have noticed that aswell.I think some people are just waiting for some ‘trigger’ to show their colors ,like when covid first appeared
I don't know, but in my country, I see stuff like older relatives using the N-word (because "it was okay back in their days").
And also heard classmates making stereotypical jokes about Greenlanders.
But I know that few years ago, someone was yelling islamophobic stuff towards a guy.
And that some author wrote a book about COVID, he described the virus in a way that is racist towards Asians. (I don't want to say what exactly he said.)
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