What do you think of this song structure (song with 3 choruses)?

  • It seems like there has been a push away from the traditional pop song structure, particularly with Aespa's rise in popularity. This song has not one, not two, but three choruses.

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    Chorus 1: the whisper speaking

    Chorus 2: "I'm Athletic girl"

    Chorus 3: "Change Up I Want it"

    And the way the song works, for the first "chorus" block we get choruses. For the 2nd "chorus" it's choruses 2 and 3. Then for the final one, it's parts 1 and 3 (with chorus 2 spoken at the end which is a callback to the introduction).

    Personally I really like it. It still sounds like a cohesive song and instead of one catchy bit, there's three. It would be cool if H1-key keeps this structure in their songs and makes it their "thing" would you like other groups to release songs like this?

  • pretty interesting

    I like some parts alot more than the other parts

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