I wonder if people (dis-)liking Aespa‘s concept is a cultural thing

  • This might sound weird to some.

    I‘ve seen some people say that they could never show Aespa’s concept to their non-KPop-stan friends because they would get mocked, whilst another portion claims the opposite.

    I personally belong to the first group and cannot imagine a scenario in which my friends would not find a Concept surrounding AI and a lore weird.

    So I started to wonder if it’s a cultural thing and if some people are just more open than others, you know?

    What do you guys think?

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  • For me it’s more like showing people who are more knowledgeable about music and other who aren’t. Obviously your friend that only listen to radio and those who occasionally venture into some similar less popular music will find it weird, but people who like a lot of genres will probably just listen to it without judgment because they know music can come in many forms. Aespa concept (at least visually) isn’t anything new, also plenty of artists have theories in their songs or alter egos. Gorillaz is a group made of 2d characters in which people discuss for YEARS, and nobody ever had a problem with it.

  • Coping mechanism because they wish their faves have what aespa has. Aespa making Kpop fun again with interesting lore and concept

  • Interesting question.

    I think you should define what cultures you're referring to though.

    I definitely find the concept and music gimmicky and weird and they are group I wouldn't show to friends who were doubtful of kpop to try and sway them over. I'm a westerner and I think non kpop westerners would find the idea silly.

    I actually think it will actively hold back their western chances.

    Imagine them going on GMA trying to explain "We are a group of girls who have artifical intelligence counterparts and we are using music to fight an evil black snake in an imaginary cyber reality".

  • I actually like this, it’s shows your not just generically or mindless bashing aespa but instead trying to figure out why their concept is so popular, as you don’t find it very popular or profitable? I think it’s a generation thing. I think the more someone is invested into digitals and social aspects such as social media, technology, phones, games, company’s such as apple etc and obviously music then it’s a combination of both. Don’t forget the additional mcu/ dceu involvement which brings further interest of movie and comic fans and sparks their interest. This concept is strong potential, look how successful kda were in a short time now imagine that in modern time with a company like sm. Movies, games, their own Siri like version, cartoons, music and more these are just a few directions aespa concept can take them. I personally believe this is why aespa will lead the 4th gen sm really hit the jackpot with this one.

  • It's because it's different, and it hasn't proven itself yet.

    It depends on the execution of SM how it will go, if they do it well, then people will start to appreciate this new thing and accept it.

    If it's done badly, many will find it too cringy and halfbaked.

  • Doesn’t anyone realise SM are representing this generation, yes it’s that simple. Aespa represent this generation. Look at Emojis, Memoji (apple avatars), Bitmoji( Snapchat avatars) and now Instagram have their own ai/ avatars which are being introduce. Don’t you get it? SM are literally the only company with the times. They’ve just made it more profitable and incorporated it into music and I guess leads to other opportunity’s like smcu (acting) comic books, video games, electronics and so on

  • If you’re someone that doesn’t like or use these then you probably wouldn’t like it but if you use these actively then you probably love it or will grow to. Majority of people use these.pasted-from-clipboard.jpeg

  • I don't know what a cultural thing means but I wasn't worried about telling my friends about their concept, not at all. I think its awesome, i really do.

    Maybe in 2years when i turn 13 i might have a different opinion on it though. Who knows

  • I‘m a westerner too, European to be exact. My friends find kpop weird in general and that’s talking about the more “normal concepts“ of kpop. I really don’t think you could show them Aespa‘s concept without making them think it’s weird at least initially.

    Bp‘s and BTS‘s strong points were the fact that their songs might have been in Korean, but their members were very charismatic and their songs were fairly listenable for westerners. Aespa is Kind of lacking in that department.

    But who knows? Maybe they’ll come out with a western banger

  • I actually like this, it’s shows your not just generically or mindless bashing aespa but instead trying to figure out why their concept is so popular, as you don’t find it very popular or profitable? I think it’s a generation thing. I think the more someone is invested into digitals and social aspects such as social media, technology, phones, games, company’s such as apple etc and obviously music then it’s a combination of both. Don’t forget the additional mcu/ dceu involvement which brings further interest of movie and comic fans and sparks their interest. This concept is strong potential, look how successful kda were in a short time now imagine that in modern time with a company like sm. Movies, games, their own Siri like version, cartoons, music and more these are just a few directions aespa concept can take them. I personally believe this is why aespa will lead the 4th gen sm really hit the jackpot with this one.

    I do have to admit that I am the OP that previously bashed Aespa‘s concept. But after reading some of the replies I reflected upon my opinion and devices I am in no position to judge others for what they like.

    And as for your theory, I don’t really know if I can agree. I’m a Gen Z myself and a big MCU fan and I did kinda like KDA‘s concept.

    The difference with Aespa is that the lore is very in your face with it being part of the lyrics, the latter of which weirded me out a lot initially.

    Maybe it’s a matter of Taste? Because I’m really curious about how one portion does not really feel drawn to their concept while another seems to adore it

  • Ore and concepts aren't oo new, still out there.

    It's just Aespa is very noticeably for children and young teens. A certain portion of the population will always find things like planets called Kwanga, super villains in music like Black Mamba and having Sci fi super hero alter egos to be a bit childish and thats fine.

    Aespa target audience is children and teens for their concept and pushing to people in their early 20s for their music. I think this concept can be popular in most places, even outside of East Asia.

  • Lore and concepts aren’t new. You can go back to David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust or KISS or Fundkadelic and Parliament to see ongoing lore and mythology in music. Even more recently artists have maintained their own lore and mythos through videos and recurring characters and themes. Daft Punk ran around with helmets on while Sia covered her face with giant wigs. All of these groups were successful - if people like the music, the gimmick is just a gimmick to break through the clutter.

    People act like aespa is so strange and out there when it’s really not. Someone already mentioned Gorillaz, which was what I always think of when people think the West is going to freak out about avatars. And there was recently a whole avatar singing competition tv show last year (it flopped but again, in a bitmoji, animal crossing world, this is not anything out of the ordinary. People create avatars all the time in everything from Fortnite to Facebook.)

  • Lore and concepts aren’t new. You can go back to David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust or KISS or Fundkadelic and Parliament to see ongoing lore and mythology in music. Even more recently artists have maintained their own lore and mythos through videos and recurring characters and themes. Daft Punk ran around with helmets on while Sia covered her face with giant wigs. All of these groups were successful - if people like the music, the gimmick is just a gimmick to break through the clutter.

    People act like aespa is so strange and out there when it’s really not. Someone already mentioned Gorillaz, which was what I always think of when people think the West is going to freak out about avatars. And there was recently a whole avatar singing competition tv show last year (it flopped but again, in a bitmoji, animal crossing world, this is not anything out of the ordinary. People create avatars all the time in everything from Fortnite to Facebook.)

    But the issue here is SM is giving them stupid songs while Sia and David Bowie are only different because of the album concepts/branding. Their songs are still relatable

  • It's not a cultural thing. It's a person to person thing. If you don't like something, you don't like it. You cannot blame it on culture. Cultural things are like, Westerner don't bows, don't take shoes off, giving red envelopes for new years/marriage. Cultural things are when Asians don't understand hierarchy equality; in terms of not talking in formal ways to adult, independence, can be friends; hug or kiss opposite sex casually.

    Having AI as contents in a song? No. Gorillaz did that. Daft Punk wore helmet. deadmau5, etc. Just think of the AIs as another aliases for the group. Every artist has their own aliases, even stage name is an alias. Having them in a song is not a cultural difference. It is just a different of medium being used. AIs in song is not a 'culture'. They are just being a bit more creative. Check out KDA 2018 from Riot, it's essentially the same thing. Im wondering if anyone from SM took that idea, because we all know how well SM 'tribute', 'inspiration' or pay( ;-) ) 'homage' to an artist.

    You can't frown on AIs in songs when we eat up comic book movies, children's book adaptation; Cinderella, Lion King, Little Mermaid, etc. Watching Anime days in and out.

    Cultures are what being passed down from generations to generations, a belief, ways of life. So I don't think you're phrasing as a cultural thing is entirely correct. It is different from others in SK, but not culturally. Also, it is completely fine being different, because it's more fun that way. We only get this far because we strive to learn.

  • But the issue here is SM is giving them stupid songs while Sia and David Bowie are only different because of the album concepts/branding. Their songs are still relatable

    Does music have to be relatable? It doesn't. Sure, some songs are nice to listen to if they're relatable, but not everything I like is relatable.

    I can't really relate to all of the romantic situations that are talked about in some songs, but I still like listening to them because they're interesting and catchy.

    Some of their B-sides are really nice if you want relatable songs:

    "Lucid Dream"

    "Life's Too Short"

  • I like their bsides. SM just frustrates me

  • But the issue here is SM is giving them stupid songs while Sia and David Bowie are only different because of the album concepts/branding. Their songs are still relatable

    Songs doesn't always have to be relatable. The type of songs that aespa release has its' own niche and that's fine. Congrats if you like songs about social issue, life struggle, depression, etc. But doesn't mean other people have to prefer it too. Many adults now still love barbie movies despite those same movies being seen as childish. You have to understand that people doesn't consume entertainment just because they want something relatable, they can do it to seek something fun or camp, something that simply can be enjoyed.

  • But the issue here is SM is giving them stupid songs while Sia and David Bowie are only different because of the album concepts/branding. Their songs are still relatable

    I guess everyone's a single lady letting the dogs out and letting other people stand under their umbrellas. :clown:

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