when you're sad
Mostly happy and comforting songs, to be more specific I listen to songs that remind me of bittersweet moments from my childhood
I feel a little better after
Moved the thread from forum K-POP Music to forum The Lounge. -
I usually listen to the kind of songs that make me feel better whenever I'm sad
Urr usually sad, it more so I can purge the emotion out of me though.
It's hard to explain, like when I'm upset I can't emotionally feel it properly like my body will know before I can realise (if I ever realise) I'm upset hence I get insomnia, or loss appetite or become ill.
So it like In order for me to be able to process the emotions, music is better that way, I relate to emotions of music better than I do actual people, which is annoying cause I don't want to ask every single person to play me as song that describe their emotional state so I can actually feel empathetic when there discussing a issue, but I digress lol
There are times I don't realise I'm upset or stressed then I play a ballad or something and I start crying.. Its kinda weird.
Tough question. I think I just listen to calm songs that aren't too fast? Maybe a few instrumentals of songs, some depressing piano, etc
If something truly sad happens in my life, no amount of happy song will make it better, and from experience, listening to happy song, watching happy movies, etc has never really done anything in the past for me.
Now when I'm feeling sad, I like to just drown in my sorrows and listen to the saddest songs that I can. The sooner I go through all the stages of sadness, the sooner I can start recovering.
I don't list to a lot of music when I'm feeling down as I need more of a visual distraction.
Video games particularly ones where there is an awful lot of grinding or multiplayer ones where I don't need to think a lot. Movies sometimes do it for me as well.
In that case, I recommend chess! Chess is very fun to learn and play and requires a lot of focus and brainpower. It's both a hobby to feel good about as it sharpens your brain, and also something fun that can occupy your thoughts at times you need it to.
In that case, I recommend chess! Chess is very fun to learn and play and requires a lot of focus and brainpower. It's both a hobby to feel good about as it sharpens your brain, and also something fun that can occupy your thoughts at times you need it to.
Dude, I suck at chess. I'm stuck at 200/300+ rating last I checked. I would be a lot sadder looking at my rating lel
Kidding aside, what works for me is something that allows me to zone out but still involves some reflex.
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