HwaGoose SelfMade

  • from Seonghwa's boat
  • Member since Mar 5th 2016
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    LOL 1
  • Goose, I am so sorry that I ignored your thread. And now I can't find it

  • S1G8a.jpg

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  • Who's in your profile pic?

  • Hello Goose! Hope you have a great day! :cutes:

    Like 1
  • This wall is sponsored by Wonho's backdancers

    LOL 1
  • Hwaaaa what happened to your aesthetic?

    Were you being a silly goose?

    • I decided to have a selfmate aesthetics.

  • I miss your profile picture :(

  • You are an amazing feathered friend! I hope you have a great day :borahae:<3

    Love 1
  • Have you seen what was uploaded yesterday? It's pretty cool! (Here's some akorns incase you hate notifications lol).

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  • Hi, how r you?

    • I hope so. You seem like a genuinely kind person :) How is your writing going?

    • Well... I'm currently writing a story, which takes place in a fictious village where it often rains. (based on two villages in my country)

    • Sounds awesome! What about the characters?

    • Well... the main character is a 25 year old guy who uses makeup and is also a former smoker. And then I planned on having him having had a kinda scandalous past, where he feels like he had betrayed his friend. (it's a spoiler thing though, so I'm not going to say what he did to betray his friend)

      He has a friend (not the betrayed one) who is interested in fashion and calls herself by a French nickname (haven't decided on what her name should be)

  • Well...

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  • Thought about writing a fanfic called Lullaby, but I'll write that tomorrow instead.

  • Thought about making a thread about the sentence "bring back real men", but whatever...

    And yup, I don't like that sentence.

  • I was thinking about making a similar thread to those threads I've made today, but I'll do it tomorrow instead.

  • I love your aesthetic! Who is in your icon/signature?


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  • Hii

  • Suddenly, I'm Elite Star

  • Why do my words
    Always lose their meaning?
    What I feel, what I say
    There's such a rift between them

    - Everything's Alright, To The Moon

  • My new aesthetics just don't phase me at all

  • Savalimmiut


  • I'm Hongjoong's friend. /j