Posts by johnny

    can i please clarify that if we are updating artist threads or comeback threads that, that won't be considered double posting? Thank you

    That's fine. Most of the rules are for excessive repeated patterns, but will be pretty lax for the most part.

    Let me make it clear that what I had put in was nothing more that a more complete block that let the default functionality actually hide content from blocked users. On the other hand, this is exactly what Drew_B wanted. I don't see the point in wading through the code when this achieves exactly what he asked for. Stripping any of the customizations I put in would undo nothing except now then they'd see blocked content under a spoiler. And then? Drew_B would complain about the spoiler.

    You guys want to do what Drew_B wants? Well he wanted the block feature abolished. Guess what? We're there.

    You are wrong. The core code should not have been modified and the original function of it using spoiler tags should have been kept in place and left alone.

    These modifications are causing upgrades to fail and they should have never been put in place. If you refuse to revert it back to original, then the features will just have to be removed entirely.

    It's not a completely custom mod - there were further customizations upon the default block feature to ensure the block was more complete. The easiest way to solve it is to make everyone unblockable - that will take them off block lists too. So if that's your aim, that is the easiest way to get around the custom mods, since you will still be able to partially block people even if I find and remove my custom mods.

    These customizations shouldn’t have been made to core functions. I don’t view it as more complete, but instead a downgrade. Until these changes can be reverted, the block feature will now have to be disabled completely.

    I hate to rain on this parade, but I put it the block as we know it in and I've forgotten how to take it out. I know it all sounds awfully convenient, but it's also the truth! It involved multiple templates and I've forgotten which one they are so it's not a quick fix - actually going to be a fair bit of work to remove.

    Unfortunately if not completely reverted, the forums are going to be deleted and reverted back to default with a full reset and we will lose everything.

    I did not read the new rules but if they kick me for this I will deadass just laugh, tbh. It'd be funny, in a really dystopian way, anyway. But I already got one foot out the door so they are welcome to ban me if they like, I'm sure once there's no one left to ban they will enjoy modding a empty house. :exit-pepe:

    Oh… i should’ve read this one first. Second foot coming right up

    it's boring af. Annons was the most entertaining thing we've had on the site in ages and they got rid of it for whatever ridiculous reason. And on top of it, now I comeback and every time I click to a new page there is a STUPID pop-up asking to disable my ad-block or purchase their stupid premium. It's as if they are TRYING to drive people out from this site. I'm honestly in the process of moving to another forum, S00mpi probably.


    Your point of view is so skewed in your liberal echo chamber. The real concern isn’t polution or these other liberal agendas. The real problem are people like you who are completely controlled and mannipulated by governments, put in place to be sheep and live a worthless meaningless controlled life.

    Open your eyes and see how the world really works and why politicians and the elite create these liberal agendas. Its to keep people like you in place so you never achieve greatness or rebel against the system.

    But hey… keep going for those million likes, while governments, the elite, and corporations cater to you guys by giving you something to be “passionate” about, so the guys on top can continue living their lavish lifestyles and fly around the world in their private jets and sail the seas on their multimillion dollar yachts. 🤣

    Yes… shove your political agendas down everyones throats and bully people online because that really works in the real world.

    People are free to choose and live the way they want and will continue to do so as long as there are free markets.

    But yes, continue to be woke and gather those likes on twitter because it is really making a difference. 😂