The hardcore girlgroup stan who is even slightly feministic even tho they probably won't admit it. These people tend to mostly say inapropriate and sometimes even childish and bad sounding things about boygroups or male artists in general and sometimes even put all boygroups into the same drawer as BTS so the fans of all boygroups are going to sound like the few annoing army of each boygroup fandom making it sound like if these hardcore girlgroup stands are tired of hearing that even one person has any interest into a boygroup. It's also typical for mostly underaged girlgroup stans to constantly trow a tantrum if their female faves are not prefered sometimes resulting in coments where a man's penis ends up being the "sausage" and shirtless men are called out as "fuckboy" etc.
The one who stans at least 1 popular group and make fun of fans from less popular groups and allways brags about their faves like if they were the reason their fave won an award or sold so many CDs. These people sometimes tend to make achivements of smaller groups down and compare them to their faves "so (artist) won on (unpopular award show)? Who cares, they are sadly not (Popular group) who won on MAMA!" They don't even care if the artist is not from a big or popular company and no mather if the next debuting group under these big and popular labels will suck they allready overhype the trainees to death. Sometimes you will also find them making the billionth coment on the visuals of the same members and disagre with everyone who isn't havint the same opinions
The girlgroup stan thing hit home. But feminism is equality and when you bring down men to make women look better, that's not feminism, that's misandry. And in their effort to redeem ggs and their fandoms, it actually backfires.
The popular group ones are also success stans. They are there only when success is established and not a minute before. Or they just wait for their faves to succeed in some way and then brag about it by bringing others down. They don't get that not everyone can be equally successful to the bigger names, especially if they come from a smaller company, competing against countless groups with many of them being from famous companies.
And as for their trainees, nothing bad or less appealing can come from our success company, right??? Everyone in the same company are kings and queens yassss even though they haven't released a single tune, they're slaying/gonna slay talking about professional deluluing.
Btw, try stanning small (nugu) groups, y'all. Underrated gems are always overshadowed so go deeper Nugu group fandoms are usually the friendliest too.