Posts by someone00
I went ahead and unbanned your previous account so you can move your Akorns over. Or if you wish, you can just use that one and transfer your current Akorns. It's your call!
ISaidISaid Same goes for you. I noticed you have some old badges on your old account, so just let me know which one you plan to use so I can transfer badges.
No waaaaay, omg Supersiiiim
but supersim..
All my badges from that acc are in this acc, what to doooo? I wanted that oneeee, noooooo!!
the end of g-idle
Of course use TEA
Can't say I'm shocked, but what about the others girls?...
When they came onto me with +20 quotes of all different users over one sentence
it isn't in vain that I had +150 badges, I had to defend myself a loooot!
Bow down, peasant nugu stan, let me, a vip blink, handle this mess and step on Hybe!
A) can we stop being shit to ARMY *here* ( I’m not on Reddit and I have no desire to see the toxicity flying from any fandom), but you can see that the majority of ARMY on this forum think this behaviour is pyar crap.
B) let’s not bring Suga and his misdemeanours into this - literally nothing to do with anything, and quite distasteful.
C) Hybe as a company may well have been seriously gross towards members of Riize but ARMY have come out in force in defence of that poor kid, especially because they well know the effect of those shitty funeral wreaths.
A lot of you guys are just stoking for arguments and seem to be more annoyed that Akp ARMY are not currently giving it to you.
a) we are talking about the ones that aren't here anymore and not bc they were victims of cyberbullying like they did with others users here, but bc their hypocrisy felt apart with Suga scandal and Hybe mess
b) Suga mention wasn't in any way to drag him, just an explanation about the circumstances of armys disappearing
c) hybe wasn't just gross, they were evil and unprofessional to a point that it's almost illegal towards not just Riize.
Laughing at armys that were the reason so many users not coming back here isn't as evil as being the reason why so many users aren't coming back here.
This isn't harming anyone neither people are claiming all the armys are like this so you don't need to protect a part of your fandom that left such a "bad taste" here in akp imo and it's recent still so..
random but I had to think of foreign idols in Japan when reading your comment and 🙈 When INI debuted, their member Fengfan, who somehow became a China-anti, was asked if he would go back to China and he said no. Than the MC of a TV show said: "But what if your parents want to see you?" and he just straight up said: "If they realy love me, they need to come to Japan!"
priorities I guess kkkkk
I'm truly sorry, ForgottenSoul and someone00
I honestly just got carried away seeing some of the reactions on X and other spaces. Some of the fans are always telling our favorites to forget about their cultural roots, move to the West, etc. And it's often just due to charts. It just doesn't sit right with me because I see it as disrespectful to idols. That's all.
Being upset at these particular music shows because you want the best for your favorites is perfectly reasonable. I can empathize with that!
It's ok, supersim!!
I do think Korean channels are making it hard for Jennie and while I think she can ditch their kr music shows if they'll treat her like this I also love to watch her k contents in variety show so I would never just tell her to simply stop caring about Korea when I love kpop to begin with..
I kinda get it when foreign KPop-idols who have it harder to see their family often say that even if they might not like their home country too much, they consider going back once their groups disband. Yangyang for example said that there is nothing even holding him in Korea, so once WayV disbands he already made the plan to leave, not re-debut somewhere, just move back to Germany (unless his grandma will be still alive, cause he said her state is not too well, so he said he would spend the rest of her life with her in Taiwan and than go back to Germany, but if she dies before he leaves SM than he is straight going back to Germany)
Yeah, I remember Lisa also saying that bc of COVID it was impossible to see her family and like "ok, we get it", but even after COVID happened YGE didn't allow her to go back to Thailand for over a year and she was clearly upset with that situation...
As I said just if you have a solid fb in Korea, I don't see foreign idols living there. Being with their family is always the best option.
Still waiting for that press conference, it's been 6 years since it was announced
He moved on and so did everybody
True. I was quit shook when TWICE said their first free time was when they were debuted for 5 years and not even got vacation time as trainees. Even with other companies like SM and the rest... Like in SM when WayV debuted, Yangyang revealed after 3 years that he also had no chance to take vacations and so he wasn't in Germany since almost forever, he even said a year after debut that he was normaly going back to Germany 4 times a year for 2 weeks each, but since he debuted SM won't let him even see his family once a year
Yep, I think YGE is the one that gives more breaks to their acts compared to Jype, Hybe and SM, but even then, it's too few.
It'll be difficult to see a real change where idols get the benefits unfortunately.