Posts by hype-girls
miss minji tries so hard and doesn’t get the line distribution she deserves likeeeIMG_5567.jpeg
pushb her!!!
idk guys i’ve is so big but then again i always get surprised by aespa and le sserafim…
the main problem is longevity. i’ve has way worse vocals than aespa so i feel like they’re more likely to fall off, especially cause i think their sound and style is less distinctive even tho their hits have been amazing
tbh i don’t think it sounds anything like new jeans?? it’s too flat, new jeans is repetitive but not usually monotonous.
le sserafim works with really repetitive type beats idk or maybe repitive isn’t the right word but their music fits really well in a format that doesn’t change too much, loops
what… people are bored today
why is everyone here so against boycotting? i don’t buy starbucks anymore because of multiple reasons, especially the ways they treat their employees and the war in israel. they aren’t less moral now they’ve always been a shit company.
somi can drink her starbucks but she should know now isn’t the time to post about it
she looks like ai it’s insane
i agree. a collection of my fave minji pics and i will keep it updated
sugarberry hype-girls phamipham you seem very interested in NewJeans, do you want to join our guild? You'll get the NewJeans emblem and possibly a subforum too!
i don’t know how this website works 🥲 i’m kinda just here to post so idk how to join
minji went to school to be a singer, she’s got a real passion for music
she’s also chill and funny and styled at her best she clears almost anyone in kpop
but she gets like the least lines/center parts so i’m hopeful for some mid tier success like hwasa/jean somi (no offense just mid tier compared to jennie lisa)IMG_5336.jpeg
very j rock , lowkey a bop but their voices sound weird? is the production a little digital for anyone else?
i don’t really care about sales but i really want red velvet to keep making music for a long time. i’m worried with the album drop sm will see it as an even more reason to sideline them… the mismanagement this comeback was scary enough
hot take, fourth gen just started with newjeans/le ssera coming in and completely shifting the music industry, now new groups are coming in and being popular with a new style. tbh a lot of popular “fourth” gen groups had styles too similar to third gen. new fourth gen music is experimental/wacky/youthful/quirky/ and vibey in a way popular old groups didn’t have.
a lot of title tracks are bad, let me see a mini album anyway so we can get a feel for what they’re about
is there like a fandom history video i can watch to get caught up on the ancient fan wars of 2016?