Posts by cheddar

    Few days after carats are mocked another one leaves?? i hope everything's alright!

    I'm not a fan of any of badge people you mentioned so i dont want any

    It's not so much about the trolling but the fact that there's almost nothing else svt-related here but them being trolled. The OP of that thread made a comment asking why we should be upset since he made the most popular Seventeen post on here and it made me realize "what am I doing on here?!" lol I don't see a point spending time on a forum where there's almost no fans of my bias group left and that the only time there is anything is if they're being trolled. I like the parts of the forum (like interacting with fans of different groups) but overall it's not appealing to me at this point.

    Explanation above for you guys too since you asked Pearl-Iris  Pinky_Peachy

    I will take the IU MV, if ok.

    Thank you in advance.

    aespa next level please :pinky-pleading:

    I hope u had a nice time here :pinky-angel:

    Ves please transfer! Thank you!

    Thought I'd let you guys know about free badges if any of you are interested!

    I'm heading out so I thought to give my badges to other fans. First come first serve but I'm reserving it to people who are actually fans of the people on the badge (aka post about them and/or already have badges). Sorry but I just thought it would be more fair this way to reserve it to the fans!

    Badges available:

    Aespa Next Level

    IU MV

    Seventeen Hoshi Spider

    Seventeen DK

    I'm giving Fallin' Flower back to the person who gave it to me since it was free and they're still active so it's not available.

    I've got stuff to do so I'll be back in a hour or two to make the transfers! :send-love-bunny:

    The problem is the majority of people don't like troll threads, especially ones that target groups they like. They just feel the need to defend them which is why it gets so much activity (+ other trolls or antis joining in). These threads gain a ton of activity but you don't see it spread to other parts of the forum/last long-term because it's not actually building a community people enjoy. It's a spurt in activity that doesn't serve to benefit the forum long-term.

    One major issue I believe is that this forum is known for trolling, it doesn't have the best reputation with the rest of the kpop community and its not just due to being linked with the news side. So normal fans already left/will avoid it due to the association with trolling while trolls started to leave as they became more regulated. Unfortunately, the older days allowing so much trolling has probably made it so this forum can't perform well with positivity as users who would be drawn to those thread probably already left.

    Like someone else mentioned, kpop reddit is way more monitored and sanitized but is still more active. There can be both "bland" appreciation threads and interesting conversation topics that aren't just hate/trolling. The moderation from the beginning allowed the forum to build a strong positive (for kpop standards) userbase of diverse fandoms that will engage with different topics.

    Rather than focusing on building short-term negative engagement with troll threads, this forum should focus on fixing its reputation and rebuilding a strong community that want to interact with other fandoms/threads instead of hiding away in their guilds and only engaging with trolls threads to defend their groups.

    I really hope Seventeen perform Don Quixote on their world tour. I thought they would for their Korean concerts but this is still the closest thing to a Don Quixote live we have which is just like 30 seconds long of them playing around during concert rehearsal :angryr::cryingr:

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    I'm just sticking to my ult to avoid starting a fight but feel free to post any groups (no actual hating or trolling though, make sure it's about the dance lol)

    Fast Pace: With all the women and men involved in this performance and the theme of the music, I would expect a more powerful and dynamic dance. I think having couple dancing with lots of leg work would have looked awesome. Something like that would be nice but the choreography as it is doesn't aid the song in my opinion. It feels flat in comparison to the music it's for.

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    _WORLD: This dance was kind of disappointing for a title track for me. It wasn't bad but it doesn't live up to svt's other title track dances. It's especially noticeable when you see a full view like this dance practice where some moves made for a music show camera are just not interesting to see as a whole. Like 1:55 where most of the members are just standing there. There were a lot of cute and fun parts of the dance reminiscent of their early days and they should have focused on that for a more entertaining performance.

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    March: For such a cool intro, there's not much actually going on with the members for most of it (back dancers carried lol). they just stand there until 2:53. Once they actually dance, it's better though but I find the set up of this performance so weird. If they just danced throughout, it would have been better as the choreography itself isn't the problem.

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    Crazy In Love: Similar problem to Fast Pace where I feel the dance is not dynamic or interesting enough for the song in a lot of parts. I hate the wiggle turn thing in the "crazy in love" (or as Jeonghan would put it, the sexy worm dance) and feel that part especially should have had a more interesting move. To give this one credit, it is the choreo to a really old bside and didn't have much changes like Fast Pace (the other old one here) did.

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    Touch: Unlike the other videos here, I don't even like the song to this one so maybe there isn't much for the choreo to disappoint with lol Essentially, I really love the part where they vogue @ 0:45 and 1:37. I would love to have a full dance centered around that move and feel because I find most of the rest of the dance kind of awkward looking and not that good. It's definitely not comparable to Hoshi's other work like Spider or even his freestyles.

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    Nope, a lot of these problems have always been here. There's always a year where there's less good releases and 2022 just happens to be one I guess. My one major concern is the lifespan of new groups, especially ggs. The GP and fans are always known for jumping around a lot but these new groups get abandoned by these people way too quickly once the new shiny group is out. And I guess you could argue bgs are dying with the GP as barely any bgs can chart in the top 100 and those who can have been established since before 4th gen.





    original post: here

    1. Hul his body seriously got bigger, I thought he was working hard on his music, when did he have the time to work out? Daebak

    2. Hoonie has been working out for years nowㅋㅋㅋㅋ he became a muscular Shiro puppy

    3. Jyoonie needs to compose, practice, attend schedules, and among all those busy schedules, he's been consistently woring out... He's seriously amazing... I look up to Jihoonie so much...

    4. This is his only hobby, he's been promoting for so long but he's also focusing on staying healthy, I love itㅠㅠ Baby, be healthy..

    5. He said that when he's stuck on his music, he would work out, sweat it out, wash, breath, and feel refreshed for his work again. His hobby used to be making music, and now it became his work so he said he didn't have any hobby anymore so now he's working out

    6. It's been so long since he's been working out I love itㅠㅠㅠ He's freaking impressive.. He has abs too. He's working on his music and also working out to stay healthy, it's putting my heart at rest...

    7. He's living his best life seriously... He can compose and produce, while promoting as an idol and he's even working out..

    8. AVvXsEgOdzREMWiTx6KIEEkS5_XBT2UZeBLfvRU-P1cOPmvpgh8rUiizhW7vMus6i9Yv_rZlRuf8ll9OZ-oqZ36HUqu9W16imjcIJwrmDa1A-StEoZE5ThX-mIPyeOgiLdi-O8BEDw6Ivh3E2gY3s13BaCq_2L4hxCEQEyTU3BHFnFaJQrwWJEbyKGv1MUKb=w640-h361

    9. He has that fluffy image but he's been working hard! He's living his best life

    10. Wow but I don't know if saying this is right but, he'll be able to serve the army well..