As it if your last appear on every year on summer time. It is only song resurfaced every year from girl group side so far as i know.
Posts by One-and-only
Well other blinks might not like my answer but I really just think it's because Pink Venom and Shut Down aren't very good songs. This is why I actually just find it laughable to even compare BP with other groups. Even with their weaker tracks, they manage to have an absolutely massive comeback. They don't need some super trendy viral hit song to show out on a comeback, their base fandom is just that big. The pinks could yell into a mic for 3 minutes and it'd still compete with 4th gen groups, if not outright beat them.
Shut down is good not great or bad just good. On the other hand Pink Venom is 😒
Even by generation standard Blackpink is most popular and successful girl group of all time in kpop.
In recent times stray kids popularity and their fandom surged tremendously. Their streaming numbers also so high and now their recent tour going to be one of the biggest in kpop and also their are the only group in 4th gen who is showing upward trajectory along with asepa.
New jeans also in this position once but there is uncertainty in their future. And twice is set in a different position their fandom is big but popularity wise they are not used to be what they are.
New pants or pants new
Do you think that if NewJeans has another year like 2024 and still remaining on top in November 2025 then that say something negative about the other groups or something positive about NewJeans? Because if they're able to do it again, it would start pointing to weaker competition rather than anything else at that point. Especially if they get delayed like Ablume has been in terms of just releasing things.
Next year blackpink comeback is there and bts may have comeback too. who knows it may help surge of 3rd gen acts, it is going to definitely disrupts the order in girl groups now.
whiplash is really good song.
Doesn't bts every comeback is very successful
No, members simply having different levels of popularity is not an "agkae thing." Learn what akgae behavior actually looks like, then get back to me. Your best bet is studying your own fandom.
It's not supposed to be a "drag," it's a fact. If you genuinely don't care whether they work together or not, just say so, but don't pretend everything they do is Blackpink when it's not.
But she is right though the popularity between nayeon, tzuyu and jeongyeon have vast difference it's shows onces doesn't support all members are equally like blinks do.