i have adhd so it's okay i'm easily OH A SQUIRREL
Posts by ApexApinkPanda
So I know that I'm not the most active post user, or most active article writer (even if I am proud of a handful of my original content articles) that I won't apologize for.
However, what I will apologize for is when I see a lot of negativity here, it seems this year these threads haven't been the best. Yes I'm aware it's not my place to say this, but please hear me out.
As someone who only uses YouTube and allkpop for idol related stuff these days, I wanted to say this since I have since deleted my reddit, and cannot link back to the original thread where I wrote this. But is still something I wish more people would realize:
You do not have to:
1. Own every single version of an album to be a 'true fan'.
2. Missed a live stream? Please please stop beating yourselves up for it!. Missing a live stream is totally normal, and you shouldn't feel like if you miss one then you're a bad fan, commenting you missed it over and over again in the comments. You are a human being, focusing on other things is totally fine. Studying? That's amazing!, keep going you're doing well. Don't feel like you need to apologize. 💚
3. Commenting/ Following your idol on social media, all the time.
If you haven't interacted with me or my wall, I talked about it a while ago how after talking with some irl friends as I prepare for some stuff I got rid of a lot of social media actually. And a big part being twitter where I had multiple accounts, one being for BTS in 2017 even.. (which tbh not completely mad, because god was I cringy lol.. I deleted lots from that before the official closure let's say)..
But during that time I also ran another account for a Chinese Survival Program called 'fanbase union' and some people in different fandoms found out and where a little hateful towards me, calling me some gay slurs, 'not a good enough fan for focusing on group (), () and () while being a BTS stan and what not.
This would make me realize you don't have to follow your idols on every single social media platform if it makes you uncomfortable or make you feel unsafe.
4. You do NOT owe anyone a reason for blocking them or making yourself a safe space.
5. You don't have to become a fan or follow a group if A you don't like their music, B all because your friend wants you to or C because you don't even need a reason. As long as you are respectful and keep in mind idols are humans, and respect them you can stand in the distance and not hate troll/etc them. That's all that matters.
This post I wrote a little late at night so I apologize if some of my wording doesn't make sense, but please consider it. So many of you deserve far more then what you are giving yourselves.
Weird way to explain this but I hope one day you look at yourselves/ etc the way Zico looks at Mino. You deserve better. 💚
You be you and keep being awesome at it. Everything you said is true. This world has a shortage of Akorns and nice people!
This is the fault of my ADD addled mind. Dammit, I'm not sticking to the topic. I guess I'll be losing more Akorns.
that squirrel looks like he's just spotted his girlfriend
Or he found someones speed stash.
Only if your a squirrel and have been a very good squirrel at that! God, I'm in love with this picture.
that's a great song too
it would be wrong of me to assume ones sexuality or gender so i was trying not to, but at least you see the humor....or the whatever you want to call it in this...
and I'm almost as old as you
I have an allergy on passing up on a chance to make a joke.
so since your boring i request you pass me about 8000-12000 akorns so i can go spend it on an autographed album in the shop and help you avoid a high taxation lol
while i "atone for my sins"
Who knew taxes could generate so much comedy.
Not even a little bit. I'm not in to dudes. I can admit those are some well maintained bodies though.
MAGO all day long! The world is a sadder place with out Gfriend....
Wow, honestly they nailed that so good. It's just as good as the original and the only other Korean to Japanese song I can say that about is Dun Dun Dance. The only thing I noticed is it seems more "digitized" then the original? Am I wrong? Those girls are eating K-POP for breakfast lunch and dinner and leaving everyone else hungry.
Awards in essence are meaningless. What keeps a group going is sales. As long as the money rolls in Twice is safe. I'm pretty sure that Twice is killin it in the money category especially since they sell out concerts with out trying.
Ford F150 raptor, used. A new one starts at 80k
I need a revote so I can change my vote to J...
I didn't make the troll list?!!?!?!??!!
It’s Wendy from Red Velvet in the Birthday mv. I am not going to replace her so soon, she is amazing.
I'm not sold on that song or red velvet... But I'm totally a Wendy fan now...
I've never seen Panda's get triggered. I don't think it's possible.
Sometimes one or two members being good at one concept is enough for the song to be good. It is like having 7 main vocalists but only 2/7 were singing 10 seconds of high notes while the other 5 main vocalists are singing normal lines that doesnt require good belting, it is an overkill imo. Half of Twice werent even that good at aegyo but all they need is Sana's shy shy shy, Tzuyu's visual and the usual Jihyo and Nayeon chorus and bammmm, a good cute song. Or you can have Momo's dance break, Jihyo's chorus, Jeongyeon second chorus to have hard hitting song like Perfect World, M&M, etc. Or some boring shitty ballad with Mina staring at the window or slow motion turning around for the duration of the song (Doughnut, Worst Thing I Ever Did)
Your right to a point. To be honest, with a good producer it could be done but it would be a huge risk. I don't think JYP has the balls to try it. He has a habit of erring on the side of safety.
I don't think all of Twice, especially Nayeon, could pull it off. It would end up like Ven Para. At least Weeekly mostly pulled off the concept but it the shock sent Daileee in to seizures.
Eldeweiss You need to change your signature because I end up watching it over and over and over... and I'm not even sure who that is.
I'd think you guys would be so starved you'd be thrilled if they droped their toe nail clippings.