Posts by im-random
both, i think he himself mentioned that he wants to act in the future
it would be interesting seeing him playing a role of the valian
yes, everytime they show the stage (not the whole group but literally the stage lol) instead of who is singing or dancing
wait didn't he say he was popular during his school years ?
between beomgyu and yeonjun
Well when i first got into kpop i thought rm was the second most attractive after v maybe because he was unique and easy to recognize and also he, but then after i spent more time in this community and adjusted more to the common beauty standards my views changed, I don't find him handsome now, but i still think he's attractive and his attractiveness lies in the way he carries himself manly, smart, confident and successful plus his looks are kinda refreshing in the current sea of flower boys
because of the so called "image"
they have to maintain the "my oppa/unnie is so pure and innocent" agenda that fans love
agree with chounim i would take this thread more srsly if the op wasn't clearly using it to shade other fans
of course he should
he's an influencer he influence people
imagine if all his listeners think that it's okay to hate on asians and compare them to a disease as long as you're joking ?
and i really can't with people defending him here, i guess y'all think it's okay to defend a racist ass man just because you listen to asian music right ?
thanks for this op, the threads about this case are all over the place and very confusing so yours was really helpful and summarized
Hopefully before lisa resign with this company, she has a new team that she can trust behind her to help her making deals about these things so she can hire her own make up artists and stylist
poor lisa, i doubt she wants to resign with all this mistreatment
yes their vocal processing is so annoying
i was surprised that i enjoyed telepathy live performance, giving the fact that I can't tolerate the studio version, the autotune hurts my ears
that was funny ngl
this honestly disgusting
i really can't understand racist people
i don't like tempo so bwl