Posts by lyhranarak
I had filled the form with all the song, with the korean names, and then it crashed when I sent it.
I'm crying
And it finished
I think company have deserved the privilege, especially if their producers stay the same. If same producer have released hit songs before, they may do it in future as well.
Privilege is to get lot attention and hype during debut, while in small company nobody even bother checking your music. For Dreamcatcher, it took years get to the point they are now.
Exactly, if Dreamcatcher was a group in any of the Big3, first, their first win wouldn't have been robbed and for sure would have come earlier. They would have also been invited to end of the year shows (unless their company had a feud with any of said shows). They would have, simply put, much more exposure to grow a bigger fandom quicker. Even if they would probably still be somewhat niche and not NGG (because of their concept), they could reach to be like f(x) in their prime.
People really don't understand what having privilege means. It doesn't mean you don't have to work hard to achieve something, it means having more help and more options by your side, it means people without privilege could work as hard as you and still not be able of achieving a small percentage of what you get.
What is the source of these news?
It's the same as when vmin are doing their roleplaying stuff, the others are just there letting them go on.
I imagine they are all just so used to these shenanigans and it's only another day for them
honestly, the whole situation is highly messed up...
if Knetz wanted to watch some proper historical show then damn watch the documentary...
In Europe, we are used to "semi-historical" series, and it's nothing wrong with them... Last time I've mentioned "Vikings" tv series. Honestly yeah there are multi figures there which are historical ones, but the thing is in real life, in real history, they were "living" in different ages/eras/decades, yet in this tv show, they appear at the same time. Does it make the whole show less proper? Nope, because "traits" of those old kings, and queens characters are really shown well...
Knetz can stand and watch series about serial killers which are also not always true to the facts or have things, and names changed, yet here they caused unnecessary drama...
talk about double standards lol
Vikings is a series about semi-historical / semi-fictious events that happened a hundred years ago. Snowdrop is a drama about a period that happened in the 80s, a pretty dramatic period to their country too.
I'm from Spain, and for many people in my contry some events in our recent history are still sensitive. When TV / Cinema uses certain elements on this history, especially real people and real events, this gets scrutinized.
I'm not justifying the cancel requests, and for sure not the harassment, but comparing this to Vikings just to brush it out is a bit dishonest.
OMG That ending with all the ARMYs appearing and singing Life goes on was soooo cute and such a pretty surprise for them. They're faces and reactions
I don't know if anyone has commented on this already, but you know what's even extra gross about this already disgusting and vile " satiric vignette"? The fact that they didn't even bother to use BTS name on it. All the other ilustrations have puns with the artist's names, but BTS? They are simply "Bopping K-POP"... Says quite a lot too.
i had some hopes
Well it's not like idols are allowed to express their own opinions most of the times, and especially regarding other artists.
But she said that she didn't bully anyone on her written statement. Her written statement recognised the stuff she was being accused of and retelled her side of the story, the argument she had with her friend and how it happened (from her poin t of view), the things she did use to do (like dressing a bit inappropiately and smoking once), the things she did not do (like going with older guys, stealing uniforms and, generally, bullying and physicaly hurting anyone). And at the end, she simply said that, regarding an incident about a drink, she didn't have any memory about something like that and belives she wouldn't do such a thing.
So it's not a "i don't remember anything" excuse. -
Even if she didn't do it it was better to apologize than drag it for this long. Her image is completely burned, and it will be much harder to recover than it would if she apologized early.
I really doubt people will remember Hyunjin's case 5 months for now, but hers will be harder to forget.
Its not a matter of being right or wrong
But again, apologize for what? If she apologizes people will say this means she did do it (people has done this in the past), and yes it kind of does matter being right or wrong because it's a pretty heavy accusation. And again, what should she be apologising for? "I apologize for people accusing me of something I didn't do, I'm really sorry"?
I hope the people asking her to apologize no matter what (meaning, accepting her position that "she didn't bully anyone"), are not the same people that then go on saying how ridiculous it is for koreans to always demand kpop artists to apologize for everything.
I still don't understand what's people asking Soojin to apologize for. If she says she didn't do the things the sisters are accussing her of (that is: bullying the younger sister), why should she need to apologize and what for?
She already explained her point of view on her letter, recognized what she did and the argument that happened, so... There's nothing else to say from her side ???