Posts by sleeplessnights

    Some groups from big 3 are multinational, but they don't have a multinational concept per se. They work either way, with some foreigners or going full Korean. Building around a multinational concept is a hard sell. Did this ever worked anywhere in the world? Where this concept would sell? I think it is a concept fated to not work in the first place.

    Also, the examples given are from small companies that may not have adequate capital and know how to pull off a regular group let alone this unsaleable concept.

    I put in parenthesis the comparison. Size wasn't referring to area, just population. Poland has a smaller population, but the migrant numbers and net migration are worse than SK.Geopolitical and population are similar (SIMILAR, not equal) in the context discussed here. I'm not making a comparison that would be relevant if we discuss other things. If you watch and visit geopolitical YT and reddit, SK and Poland are relatively compared to each other by geopolitical afficionados. Also, I chose Poland because I was thinking of you :P!

    Of course it's not exactly the same situation as these EU countries have the Schengen agreement, so for the POV of the expats, they aren't really moving to a different country per se if they view EU as a big federation they are free to move to. For the country in particular it may be detrimental, but I assume these drawbacks are well worthy the EU membership (I think Poland improved in this matter and I see Bulgaria and Hungary trying to mitigate these brain drain issues). Similarly SK is said to be basically an extra American state due to their heavy dependency on the USA for their external policies, so SK choosing USA as one of their wishful destinations despite recent negative image is pretty natural.

    That second paragraph was more aimed at TC than you, just the placement was a little unfortunate. I meant to why just single out SK when there are better examples of this category.

    I never get why Koreans want to go to USA...

    stay in SK at least you don't have there people running with guns lol

    Lot of Korean youth wanna leave because they want a less stressing and competitive life style. Also, SK geopolitical situation is pretty delicate which adds to the stress. USA still has a decent reputation overall with Koreans (negative views on USA seems to be very eurocentric POV) and Korean community is sizable which helps with relocation. Probably Australia and Canada are becoming more appealing options than USA lately thou.

    Still this is just wishes and perception. Looking at migration stats (net migration and raw numbers of migrants leaving), not that many South Koreans migrated really over the years. Comparing it to Poland (comparable size and geopolitics), less South Koreans left SK than Poland. Not sure why TC singled out SK when other decent nations also suffer for that (like Balkans in EU). SK is more a perception problem in comparison than reality.

    Now about topic creator's "idea", I have no idea what you are on. Even if South Koreans complain and wish about leaving, they aren't leaving in droves (at least to be relevant stats wise). It seems to be just perception and an opinion not fueled on data and just based on anecdotes (I have relatives who also say this shit, but they are mostly just babbling). Sure Hell Joseon is a thing, but actually leaving is a different matter. The proposed "solution" is just a dumb idea and not based on reality (the Singapore example is really off). SK doesn't need help in this regard. They just need to improve their geopolitical situation and start adopting practices and mentality that improve school and workplace life.

    Some Americans loves freedom so much they are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a fake vaccination proof made in China (look it up) than get a free vaccine in a country where healthcare costs are astronomical :pepe-cowboy:

    I was reading the thread on reddit about it and I kinda get the defense of the practice a little bit, but I still look at this as unnecessary barbaric. Do they really need to do that practice for sustenance? Even if it's a cultural practice, it could be re-adapted with a more palatable modern spin.

    Now some people there brought up whataboutism about meat industry, hunting of other animals like boar and deer, fishing, and so on. These practices have their own issues, but this still isn't an excuse for this. At least Japan says it is research because they know it is a bad practice.

    They say it won't impact the population and going for sustainable angle, but aside for the species hunted not being considered endangered (it seems more because it is not properly monitored), the numbers still seem excessive. At least I'm not so sure about their methodology (if any at all) on how they calculate how many are OK to be hunted.

    I'm not sure what it was. However, from what I can remember it was Marco and possibly Candy Candy. What made me really get into anime (at the time was Japanimation or just Japanese animation) was Dragon Ball.

    1) I don't think someone should do that for revenge, but to alert others. However, depending on what it is, the revenge seeker may look petty as well.

    2) Again, a planned revenge doesn't seem great here and may be criminal. Of course, if the bully attacks someone and that someone reacts immediately, I don't see much problem because it is understandable and it was just a reaction and people should be allowed to defend themselves reasonably. However, if the revenge seeker plans something in retaliation later, issues with the law may happen. Sorta like in baseball, if some player did something shitty and unjust and wasn't properly punished in the eyes of players, the other player with beef should take their vengeful act ASAP and the offender should take it in the chin as well. However, after a while, if they act in revenge much later, they will face consequences with rules.

    3) I think the rule of law should be used. Societies where blood revenge is rampant aren't great places. Usually places with lot of conflicts like post-Saddam triggered lot of non-judicial actions become very chaotic. I do understand some people seeking blood revenge specially in cases where the law fails to bring justice, but a society should seek to reform their institutions to not allow these type of injustices to occur in the first place.

    I guess in the end is how much you can do in a revenge without breaking the law (or be able to get away with in case you have power/money).

    Get your bed, room, and home and burn it to the ground!

    On serious note, you can call a specialist.

    If you do yourself, you got to check every room, every bed very meticulously. And then every corner, hole, and so on. They can hide anywhere and can travel far.

    Heat is their weakness. If you clean and wash anything, make sure you use hot water and hot setting for drier. After checking and cleaning everything thoroughly, isolate the bed by not making them in close contact to walls and have some interceptors on each bed leg. This way you can monitor the infestation.

    Use a mattress cover designed for bed bugs. This way it will be easier to locate them if they get there again. I guess you can go to Home Depot and ask for products to help kill bed bugs.

    If you live in an apartment, you may need to warn your apartment manager because they can infest everywhere.

    When you travel anywhere, bring a bag or two to isolate your luggage, clothing, and keep it very far away from the bed.

    Anyway, it isn't a clean everything, fumigate the place and it's done. These fuckers are resilient. You have to monitor them for a while. My apartment got infested and the management paid for the specialist and they solved the problem. However, they had to revisit the apartment periodically.