Posts by winniethepb

    I loved everglow bon bon chocolat from the beginning, but when I found out their company was chinese, I knew it meant trouble... china and south korea have never had good relationships, in fact, many countries got bad opinion of china, so I waited for something to happen, and then yiren had to post, maybe she didn't post, maybe her company did 'cause chinese artists have to talk highly of china to the world or got banned.

    I think singers should just sing, not engage in political stuff, but I guess china use their artists as a way of propaganda

    That's actually not true. Just look at Figure 20 (…-outside-powers-pub-81737), displaying South Koreas public opinion on the threat perception by country, they haven't always had tension. The data shows major correlation between China and events leading to such high threat perception.

    - Spiked after 2008, this is after the Beijing Olympic when Chinese economy spiked. This had to do with pollution migrating to South Korea and China's emergence as a world power. Media negatively portrays China.

    - Decrease after 2012 and 2016: [2012] Bilateral talks between Obama and Xi. Came to many agreements. [2016] Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) establishment. Promoting trade between Asia, including the United states. Media optimistic on China and U.S. Relations.

    - Increased after 2016: Trump took office tainting China and established THAAD Deployment. Media negatively talks about China. North Korea threat perception significantly goes down due to Trump's dialogues with Kim Jung Un. How interesting... Clearly media in play because North Korea still has nukes and testing long range ICBMs...

    Google China right now, tell me if you see anything positive written... People underestimate the power of U.S. media. U.S. doesn't just have influence of their own media but also has influence on allies'media.

    To sum it up, what changes people's perception is the narrative of the controlling media. Don't say Chinese propaganda this and that.. The real propaganda is right under your nose and it's affecting your perception. China does something positive, the narrative with twist in a way where it'll make it negative.

    I'm straight up spitting facts and figures, whether you believe in it or not is not my problem.

    Jack Ma got fined for antitrust and when the media says Jack Ma, it's Alibaba. Not sure what this has to do with anti-speech.

    Korean Doctorate Student at Peking University

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    I am honestly uneducated in those kinds of things happening. thank you, but, I don't really understand what you mean... does that mean it was debunked? I was just mentioning it as a possibility for yena I'm not sure. I heard about the situation but never really looked into it.

    It's been debunked, but whether or not people believe in the debunk is another story.

    As for Yena, my prediction is her joining Everglow and if Everglow does well next 2-3 comebacks, it's OT7. Otherwise, I see OT6 but rather Yena leaving, it's Yiren joining YWY or Chuang.

    Enough with the Yiren "scandal". Most people make a stance even though they don't even understand the situation well enough. In any case, sanctioning a region economically is an abuse of human rights, depriving the local people of economic development. The biggest evidence of any genocide is a mass migration of people taking refuge. For example, the hundred of thousands Jewish taking refuge to avoid the Nazi Germany, 700,000 Muslims in Myanmar escaping from ethnic cleansing (Even the Suu Kyi, the people's leader who is under arrest my the military defended the genocide at a UN meeting) and 100k+ non arabs of South Sudan seeking asylum in neighboring countries. No such event is taking place in the Autonomous Region of Xinjiang. In fact, evidence shows the local ethnic population has dramatically grown in the past decade which is an indicator of stability and economic prosperity.

    People, open up your minds and do some research yourself before claiming anything.

    I despise politicizing entertainment but if necessary, I must refute when I see false information.

    Leaning towards socialism doesn't mean it'll lead to communism. Communism is just an extreme type of socialism, where everyone is equal in society. Most people desire a hybrid of capitalism and socialism, similar to what many European nations have. It's important to have capitalism for competition and innovations, and socialism for reducing wealth gaps.

    That said, I can tell you for sure a large majority of K-pop fans lean middle right.

    Oscar is good and so is Caelan, but AK's rap is just different. When I first heard his rap, it just hit me. Very unique and when he sing raps, it really resonates.

    So, if Africans straighten their hair, that's cultural appropriation ( of Asian hair) too?

    OFC Black people can't get their hair straightened. It's been apart of Asian culture for millenniums.

    Asians would be totally offended because straight hair is an Asian identity.

    Also only East Asians should be allowed to use chopsticks because if others use it, it's cultural appropriation.

    Actually that's problematic because a lot of white people were born in Asia. Would it be okay for Russians to wear Kimonos? Just think of what you said. Asia is a continent (geography), not a culture (social)

    I don't see what is wrong with Russians wearing Kimonos as to Asians wearing western clothing. TBH, I think you are over thinking the issue. There is nothing wrong with culture exchanges, it's what brings the world together.

    Do you know why Trump winning the election is a good thing for America? He exposed so many problems in America that has been hiding in the shadows for all these years. He gave us the opportunity to fix these problems.

    To your point, fact checking and critical thinking is very important. However, if there is compelling evidence even after the fact checking, it should not be ignored.

    "Maybe you will believe her, I mean she is black after all." - Like I said, I do my fact checking. Clearly there is systematic racism. For example, although this is controversial, affirmative action, even though it gives black people more opportunities, can also be viewed as systematic racism. Just think about.

    If you want to know what is going on in Chinese social media regarding the Xinjiang topic, this website covers weibo trends and how the CCP helps set the narrative.…over-xinjiang-cotton-ban/

    I don't think you have understood what I've been conveying the entire time. Yes, China has a narrative and so does every country. That's the responsibility of every government, it is to convey to the public they are protagonist. My point is... people should do their fact checking from non bias sources. If you read my earlier post, my justifications came from a UN report, sketchers, and Reuters. I even included a video from 2 years ago about Xinjiang cotton from a Uyghur vlogger, a video which came out way before this event has happened.

    BTW, when you refer the Chinese government as CCP, it demonstrates you are already leaning to a side. It's part of the western narrative which you have accepted. You probably don't even realize it.

    Yeah... imagine referencing Buzzfeed News in a news report., you probably troll any harder. Few factors, investors, references, and trend. Yes Vox is "Technically" independent even though NBC and other investors have equity, you also need to see where the are citing sources and are they following a trend so they can get clicks. Clearly Vox has been citing the same sources at BBC, a government funded news outlets. Furthermore, many of these sources are still government funded.

    You also should not judge a country by it's history, it's never the right approach. If that is the case we can probably witness another Japanese internment camps and the chinese extradition act?

    It's also not just the Communist government that contains other ideologies, do you recall the Red Scare? It's really no different.

    I'm neither supporting the Chinese or western governments on their policies, I just don't want manipulation of facts and hypocrisies.

    The fact is, all the sources from those tweets are once again bias because of the source. Anastasia Lin is a follower of Falun Gong which is anti-china, far-right politically, religious cult. They backed Donald Trump's campaign. The largest media distributor of Falun Gong, Epoch Times, spread false information and conspiracy theories. Even Facebook had to ban ads from Epoch Times because of disinformation in Trump ads and false information of COVID-19. Whether or not you believe this is on you, but I'm just providing information that can be found on the web.

    Now that said, I'm sure Yuehua does all their social media and participated in posting these post, however, just because Yuehua did the posting doesn't mean you can assume the artists doesn't support it. People should know that Harvard did a study showing 90% of Chinese citizens are satisfied with the central government (Before pandemic). Especially after controlling the virus, there has been studies showing the satisfaction is even higher. (You can google this). People should also understand Chinese people value family and civilization. Therefore, much of China is extremely nationalistic and patriotic. From my speculation, I don't think the government pressured them directly but because of the recent problems Yuehua has had, they voluntarily posted these to avoid conflicts and boost their reputation in China because that's where all their revenue comes from.

    Following a movement isn't new. In China the movement is support Xinjiang Cotton while the movement outside of China is boycott. When one person or entity does it, the rest follows.

    It's very important to understand one's culture before making a judgement.

    These are my fact checks and my opinions, and you can always take it with a grain of salt.

    Here is a video you can watch and see how Chinese thoughts are completely different than thoughts from other countries, it's just a culture difference and people needs to accept rather than change.

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    P.S. I read the connection between Fan Bingbing and Yiren, and wtf lol. Fan Bingbing evaded taxes, that's fraud and a crime in every country. If someone evaded in the U.S. the IRS is gonna whip out the swat team and knock down their front doors, people will go to prision for many years. Fan bingbing was only under house arrest:…%20up%20to%20five%20years.

    I don't know who wrote these tweets but I know there are teenagers or younger taking information at face value. As someone who does extensive research professionally, I find this disturbing. Misinformation can draw a lot of conflicts within society.

    There is a group called TIP/ETIM, once was on U.S. terrorism list but Trump removed them. Tip operates in China Xinjiang region but has also committed terrorist acts in beijing.

    Geographically China borders pakistan and afghanistan, a huge breeding ground for terrorism. Uighers are often lured by religious studies but eventually indoctrinated by extremist ideas.

    China has 2 approaches, one avenue is reeducate the muslims and provide economic opportunities, the other is engage in war against these terrorist groups like the U.S. However, if you know China's foreign affair policies, they don't meddle in another countries internal affairs. So what they do is, they use the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) hubbed in Xinjiang to develop Xinjiang and underdeveloped countries and try to eliminate extremist ideologies through economic prosperity. Hence, why the U.S. doesn't like BRI, because it undermines U.S. influence in the region.

    I was trying to find a raw footage of these attacks not affiliated with any media outlets on youtube but I think they have been deleted or harder to find. I know I watched a few a couple years ago.🤷

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    Here is another video.

    What are you talking about lol. Did you not see the UN report I provided to you? Do you follow politics? There is a clear agenda.

    Tell me why you think so far all the Muslim countries have supported the policies in Xinjiang? If these Muslim were going through a genocide, don't think these Muslim countries would condemn China?

    These are the countries that support chinese policies in XInjiang:

    Angola, Bahrain, Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, China, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Dominica, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Kiribati, Laos, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, the UAE, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

    These are the countries that do not support:
    Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Marshall Islands, Monaco, Nauru, the Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Palau, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States

    ^^^ Not a single muslim country beside Albania. How interesting...