I loved everglow bon bon chocolat from the beginning, but when I found out their company was chinese, I knew it meant trouble... china and south korea have never had good relationships, in fact, many countries got bad opinion of china, so I waited for something to happen, and then yiren had to post, maybe she didn't post, maybe her company did 'cause chinese artists have to talk highly of china to the world or got banned.
I think singers should just sing, not engage in political stuff, but I guess china use their artists as a way of propaganda
That's actually not true. Just look at Figure 20 ( https://carnegieendowment.org/…-outside-powers-pub-81737), displaying South Koreas public opinion on the threat perception by country, they haven't always had tension. The data shows major correlation between China and events leading to such high threat perception.
- Spiked after 2008, this is after the Beijing Olympic when Chinese economy spiked. This had to do with pollution migrating to South Korea and China's emergence as a world power. Media negatively portrays China.
- Decrease after 2012 and 2016: [2012] Bilateral talks between Obama and Xi. Came to many agreements. [2016] Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) establishment. Promoting trade between Asia, including the United states. Media optimistic on China and U.S. Relations.
- Increased after 2016: Trump took office tainting China and established THAAD Deployment. Media negatively talks about China. North Korea threat perception significantly goes down due to Trump's dialogues with Kim Jung Un. How interesting... Clearly media in play because North Korea still has nukes and testing long range ICBMs...
Google China right now, tell me if you see anything positive written... People underestimate the power of U.S. media. U.S. doesn't just have influence of their own media but also has influence on allies'media.
To sum it up, what changes people's perception is the narrative of the controlling media. Don't say Chinese propaganda this and that.. The real propaganda is right under your nose and it's affecting your perception. China does something positive, the narrative with twist in a way where it'll make it negative.
I'm straight up spitting facts and figures, whether you believe in it or not is not my problem.