Posts by winniethepb

    Repetitive tasks are the least of it, usually.

    The most frequent complaints I hear about are the loud noises and the working in shifts. At my factory they have to work in 4 shifts: the shift is 8 hours, one week it's the morning shift, the fallowing week there's the afternoon shift and then there's the next week with a night shift. The 4th shift is 12 hours on Saturday and Sunday, 2 weekends, with the Monday to Friday being considered free days, but many of them use the "free week" as a time for getting extra hours and money.

    That sounds about right. In some companies, there is mandatory overtime. 6 days a week for 9+ hours a day.

    It's good money for people who don't have proper higher education degrees. I know many blue-collar workers making well over what some engineers make. But plant life is tough... Repetitive tasks in loud environments, frequent overtime, etc. I'm sure many operators hate the smell of lubricants.

    -More scraps due to poor quality stamping and welding. I also believe Elon Musk stated Tesla's made in China are higher in quality than the ones made in the U.S-

    What do you think the problems are in the US for these?

    -The reason why many things made in China are of poor quality has to do with poor design and material selection by the company who design them - I agreed business men from in and out of China ought to take most of blames. we all get backfired by maximizing profits.

    Quite a few reasons. The one big reason I can tell you is employee motivation. People just don't care too much for their job. Both blue colored workers and white collared workers. I've heard at one plant, employees would unplug Quality Check Cameras just to meet hourly demand. Engineers soon found out and the guy got fired.

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    Single Album???

    Elon Musk said so...American friends what do you think?

    Other than the US,How are manufacturing jobs valued in your country?

    How do you look at yourself working in manufacturing companies , as an engineer or around production lines?

    I worked for a Tier 1 automotive supplier and I can tell you, at least for this company, U.S. manufacturing quality was lower than that of China's. More scraps due to poor quality stamping and welding. I also believe Elon Musk stated Tesla's made in China are higher in quality than the ones made in the U.S.

    Looking at it from a larger scale, China is the manufacturing hub. The network is extensive there and their manufacturing has significantly improved due to industry 4.0 and decades' worth of manufacturing exposure.

    There is a misconception about China's manufacturing. China can manufacture at the same quality as any other country, if not better. The reason why many things made in China are of poor quality has to do with poor design and material selection by the company who design them. Furthermore, when dealing with Chinese companies, the manufacturing directions must be very specific, to the smallest detail, otherwise, they'll take cost-saving shortcuts.

    well, there can always be some projects for repatriates :)

    one of them might be funding someone's child education etc.

    btw. what power of passport your friend has, can go whenever he/she wants without visa.

    Swedish Passport is probably one of the most powerful passports. Most E:U passport holders along with U.S. and Canadian passport holders can travel virtually anywhere among western countries and allies without a visa.

    But undeniably, both GIDLE and ITZY are definitely leading the 4th Gen GGs. On both domestic and international front, they are leading. ITZY leads international while GIDLE slightly have the edge at domestic (might change with the scandal).

    No real powerhouse yet in Korea. Internationally, Everglow and Loona are potential candidate. Aespa, too early to say.

    Knowing Aespa is from SM, the chances of them not being a top 3 4th Gen GG is miniscule.

    You can move but if you are called upon, you are obligated to go regardless of where you move to. If the call is disregarded, that's a felony: $250,000 fine and /or 5 years in prison. U.S. government has an extensive extradition network, so let's just say a male refuses to go after getting drafted, he'll be located and face felony charges.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I also believe there are policy abuses too. I have a friend that holds 3 citizenships, Canda, U.S., and Sweden. His family doesn't pay Swedish taxes but he is able to attend a University there for free. This is just an example, I'm sure there are more abusable policies.

    Point is, some can take advantage of other countries' benefits at the cost of those countries' tax payers.

    whole draft in terms of being obligatory in some countries is even worst lol

    I mean here in Poland you have clear route, your not forced to join military,

    being a soldier is an profession, and you can decide if you want to do it full time, part-time (territorial defense forces), or not to do it at all.

    It's an obligation when it comes to wartimes. In the U.S. there is something called the Selective Service System, in times of need, any male can be called upon to serve. I'm sure Poland and other European countries have something similar.

    Multiple citizenships don't make much sense. Especially when it comes to drafting for military service. The reason for citizenship is to show full commitment to that country. If one is a dual-citizenship holder, it defeats the purpose...

    In the U.S., they don't just let anyone become a citizen. People have to make enough contributions to the nation, particularly scientific or monetary contributions. It's just a way of showing loyalty to the country.

    GIDLE > ITZY >|wall| > others

    Honestly there is no 3rd biggest now cause Everglow is popular WW but is nugu in Korea. Same with Loona but their streaming isnt as good as EG.

    Aespa too early to say. StayC is rising but we have to observe

    I agree with you.

    Popularity should be evaluated by geographics: Korea and International.

    For popularity in Korean, the metric used should be K-Charting.

    For popularity Internationally, the metric should be Spotify.

    Just because a group charts well in Korea doesn't mean they are popular internationally and similarly, just because a group is doing well on Spotify doesn't mean they are doing well in Korea.

    Also, album sales don't necessarily translate to gaining popularity, but it definitely means they gaining more committed fans.