Same thing happened to me. I couldn’t stand the supporting characters at all. I don’t see how any of that was comedy at all. They are cringe and their scenes are just childish and unrealistic. If it was any other drama, I wouldn’t have got this upset with it because I would think it’s for less mature audience and drop it. BUT the serious plot line is good. It’s like two different shows put into one. The building’s residents characters shenanigans is one thing and the main and leads storyline is another.
I didn’t drop it and it indeed gets better each ep. though I stopped at ep 8 because I got busy. My sister watches it week by week and she keeps telling me to continue watching because it get so good each ep. I am a little hyped up about that. Its popularity keeps increasing too so I guess it does get better.
Yeah, tbh the "comedy" scenes with the residents was a little funny at first but it just gets kind of annoying to see random shit happening over and over when I want to see the serious stuff, like the intro really pulled me in with the airplane and the gasoline.. That was insane. Also, idk what they were thinking when they kept putting in the Italian food scenes where Vincenzo hates the food.. like we already saw it once and from where I am now, its been done a third time and I didn't even watch it and just skipped because it's literally pointless and redundant... However, I agree that the main, serious plot is pretty interesting, and if the show just did that, I think I would like it alot more from the start