Posts by leinadluzd
cant believe sm out of all company would come out with something so nugu
well that chorus definitely made me shake some ass
I'm sorry but your argument is that Hanni shouldn't have talked about the harassment she was suffering because there's some people that is going to hate on Illit because of it? Ok let me explain:
1- She didn't mention Illit like we all know, and I'm completely sure she won't mention them again in the national assembly, or if she does it's going to insist it's the manager's fault. You say it was a matter of time until kpop stans started atacking but then... blame the fans? She literally specified the issue was the manager and avoided to mention the group to try to defend them, what else can she do? Shut up and don't talk about the situation? Is that any better?
2- Haters are gonna hate. Most kpop stans are focusing on Belift and the managers, I've even seen several bunnies around defending Illit and insisting on how the problem is the manager. The more people acting like you, that keeps inserting Illit (and it happened with other fandoms) everywhere it's when the "fanwar" start and groups start to receive undeserved hate. Are there some people that are gonna hate on Illit regardless? Yes, but that people are haters. All the groups have it and they'll use any excuse to hate on the group, it could be Hanni's words or anything, they're just waiting for anything to drop to hate on them, we all should be aware of this. Should idols because of this kind of people avoid talking about the harassment they're suffering? Definitely not.
3- This is the best for the future of Kpop. Hanni is actually doing a quite risky move for her career and we shouldn't censor it because it can set a precedent for other groups and future trainees. Yes Illit is gettin backlash but yes Hanni is receiving a lot of hate too from huge fandoms because of her words. NJs was aware that their live was going to be polemic but it was really, really necessary that a group did this sooner or later. The MHJ case is what made it blow up but that's other topic, if we talk about idols speaking up this was REALLY necessary and it's the best.
I know as a Illit stan you don't like it, out of the fandoms involved I understand Illit's might be with bunnies the one with the most reasons to complain about the whole situation because Illit didn't do anything wrong, but don't let that bunch of people hating on the group stop something which is way bigger, after all the people being judged for these things are the people managing Illit, do you really want them to continue under them? The national assembly is gonna judge the biggest Kpop company in a couple of weeks, let's forget about fanwars for some time and focus on the real enemies here.
thank you for explaining, but i have to make some things clear. i agree with everything you said but there are some concerns that i quite cant ignore,
1 - im not saying she shouldnt open up about the workplace issue, but i feel like she couldve worded it better. she could have said an employee instead of specifying it as manager of a group or anything that could open up speculations and bring indirect hate. haters gonna hate, yeah but this could also impact their reputation even to neutral or the GP especially when nearing comebacks. yeah i blame the fans 100% but hanni kinda gave speculative statement, which is something you might want to avoid especially when she had the knowledge that ILLIT is already embroiled in the copying accusation.
2 - even if ILLIT is completely innocent, she indirectly implicated the whole group even though only a single individual manager is at fault. people are defending her as they should but since ILLIT are nearing comebacks, the GP, brand deals or live shows might want to avoid supporting or including controversial group like ILLIT. things could have gone differently if hanni said something like ‘an employee told to people he’s walking with to ignore newjeans’ or something like that which could have addressed the same issue she faced and with the same desired outcome. belift responded to the accusation because it involves a group (ILLIT), but had she made no mention of manager or group belift would not responded thus maintaining true anonimity during hanni’s statement (since she only wanted to address the issue, not expecting an actual response from the company)
3 - hanni is privileged enough to attend the national assembly but i hope she also bring along other real issues to address. yeah shes speaking only from her experience but she couldve brought more to the table if she speaks up about the ongoing mistreatment, harassment, underpaid, sexualisation and such that is happening behind the scene in kpop as a whole. i think that is what’s best for the ‘future of kpop’. obviously shes under no obligation to do all that but no other idol had the chance to speak up like she did. she has the golden opportunity to bring up something that could truly be revolutionary to the kpop industry as a whole. even better if she bring along mistreated underpaid or sexualised idols to further substantiate her claim.
4 - its also kind of ironic that the harassment hanni experienced is basically similar to what misery MHJ put other groups through, and newjeans as a whole still wanted their CEO to be reinstated. its kind of hypocritical that she want to speak up about her mistreatment (which she should) but put a blind eye (thus becoming an enabler) to the harassment inflicted by the person they had faith the most (MHJ). but i digress.
[I dont support HYBE obviously, and I want newjeans to have the best for them. however some issues could be mitigated for everyone's best interest]
im not against hanni but be fr, once she said that its only the matter of ticking time until the hellspawn of kpop stans witchhunt every single hybe groups, and unfortunately even if belift ignored the harassment (which is impossible since it appeared in every single social media), they eventually had to say something (probably because illit is having comeback soon and they have to clear things up before then).
WHICH actually made situation worse because they basically affirmed that they are the group hanni is talking about, even though she didn't mention anyone. but lets be realistic, there is no way kpop stans would sit around doing nothing the moment hanni confided about the whole ignoring things. this would eventually prompt belift to say something because letting the issue slide is not an option.
hanni should realise that her words, especially on the live, carries more weight that could implicate other groups. her feelings are obviously valid 100% but kinda unprofessional to reveal such thing knowing that it would open up hundreds and thousands of speculation that will end up dragging other groups into this mess. I KNOW that hanni meant no ill intention towards the 'undisclosed group' and only wanted to point out the bullying they experienced from the manager, but i hope she that realise she fueled the already ongoing witchhunt towards an unrelated group.
whats worse is that the manager allegedly said that, but the fault would eventually be shifted towards ILLIT. they have to suffer from constant harassment because kpop stans DGAF about the fact that the manager said that, they just wanted a chance to drag ILLIT through the mud and from face of earth.
i dont think ill be tuning in
i love chanelle but i hope the rumor isnt true
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lmao saebi fits the emotional energy more than sarang
she always cries at everything lolol
I have no sympathy for Kwon Eunbi and have never supported it.
She helped to ruin Han Choown, although that was buried because of the rigging
Moral: The wronged eventually gets to wrong someone else
Fuko will probably move on to hurt somebody in Japan, although we won't learn about that.
er, didn't eunbi eventually give rumor's main vocal part to chowon
and then the producers suggested that chowon rap
hence they switched part
eunbi is the mother she literally did nothing wrong
the way they made her rap in the literal final lmao
and put her into the same concept 4 fking times, and then whine that fuko 'does not fit the concept'
it would be more satisfying if the editing wasn't so blatantly obvious about their favoritism
#3 is so real, we all know YUJU got robbed
but most importantly...
i feel you #9
not picking FUKO is literally daylight robbery