Posts by doesitneedsaying

    Recently finished Mr. Queen is amazing as well, it's hilarious.

    I hated the finale. Until that it was 10/10. So OP bear in mind you might be dissatisfied too.

    I see some recommended start-up. OP, bear in my mind (again lol) that 85% of audience rooted for 2nd ML, there's a high chance it'll happen to you so if you want to potentially feel frustrated then it's a show for you. I ofc didn't watch it, i don't like torturing myself 8)

    I liked flower of evil but again the finale was bad. What's with kdramas and terrible endings?!

    You didn't like iotnbo and i entered the thread just to write that the show is a no brainer. Disappointed :-P

    I'd just started getting into kdrama and was looking for recommendations. You have no idea how many times this show was mentioned. Thinking, let's give it a try, it must be a good, so many people liked it. Boy, was i wrong. This experience thought me to never take other opinions seriously, i should watch 3 episodes and decide if it's worth continuing or im going to drop it.

    I don't even remember how many episodes i watched but i was forcing myself to get to the point where the show gets better, i mean, there must be one, otherwise people wouldn't have praised it. Long story short, it never happened and i dropped the show.

    I'd be able to ignore technical aspects if the story and acting were good but i don't know which one was worse; scratch that, i know - ACTING. I don't even remember what the show is about (well done, brain!) but i remember ML was hot (which was obviously the only reason he got cast) and that we got some hot kisses. And ofc acting that was unbearable to watch.

    One night stand plot could have been done well but the writter had no idea what they were doing. Terrible actors and terrible writer doing a drama? It fits.

    All in all, a terrible show, and those who didn't watch it i recommend to not waste your time and do something useful. Staring at a dot is good too.

    do they even care about cgi? i watched a cheap, debatable show everyone recommended on mydramalist (not gonna say which one, i'm embarrassed :D), i dropped it 5 episodes before the finale, i couldn't bear watching cringy cgi anymore. it looked terrible, power rangers' cgi is game of thrones level of cgi for this show.

    I only watched meteor garden :sadr:

    I don't have patience to watch 50 episode

    i only watch series with up to 24-28 episodes, if i had time for 50 episodes i'd rather finish peaky blinders and dark. congrats on finishing meteor garden, i dropped it after 5 minutes, i cannot watch dubbed series.

    it's the biggest country in the world, this is a no brainer.

    there's a reason why disney and other american film studios cater to chinese market and stopped portraying chinese people as villains. they are even willing to work with governments that are accused of severe human rights abuse just so they could get those coins (them failing to achieve success in such film gives me joy)

    Kpop is insignificant in Europe. You can go in Germany, Poland, France, Netherlands or what you want no one know about kpop except some teenage girls and some lbgt on twitter. And that's not cause of politics or different country. Kpop company just don't target this market.

    i'm not saying your statement isn't right, i'm saying that europe cannot be compared to the us, japan, mexico, brazil, and other big countries/markets.

    they don't target this market (europe as a whole) because it's a lost cause. how can you use the same strategy to penetrate the market of 40+ countries, which have different languages, cultures, and music taste? you can't. focusing on the us makes sense because they all speak the same language and have the same media; same for focusing on the western european countries only. french people and hungarian people have nothing in common, their histories are different and their societies look nothing alike. it's unreasonable to think that being successful in france will grant you success in hungary, it's never going to happen.

    I mentioned Germany and France for answer to that part "European have a lot of small countries" that's all.

    And i don't know why you try to teach me about Europe when i'm European myself. ;(

    because the thing you said made no sense. small european countries will never end up on any list because their population is small. the us alone has more than 330 million people, ofc it would be high in any list. which is the reason why foreign artists always tour western europe and often skip this part of europe - smaller population - less sold tickets and earnings

    Germany and France are larger than the UK. Kpop is simply insignificant in Europe. The majority of Kpop listeners in Europe are teenage girls. But that's not a surprise, Kpop company don't try to do growth in Europe.

    not you mentioning only france and germany as your argument.

    europe is a continent of 40+contries, with god knows how many languages and cultures, the thing you all say white people don't have.

    just take my country as an example:

    200 km away from me is romania, a country of 20 million - i don't understand of a word of romanian;

    200 km away is hungary, a country of 10 million, i also don't understand a word of hungarian;

    340 km away is bulgaria, a country of 7 million, i understand maybe 20% of bulgarian

    160 km away is bosnia and herzegovina, a country of 3,3 million, i understand 100% of their language

    120 km is croatia, a country of 4 million, i understand 100 of croatian

    300 km aways is macedonia, a country of 2 million, i understand 50% (i guess? perhaps less)

    my country has a population of 7 million.


    (bosnia, croatia, macedonia, and my country was once one country)

    you get what I'm trying to say? those 7 mentioned countries have different cultures, different-ish languages, different tastes. all those countries combined have a population of 53 million people, less than both germany, and france alone. nobody's going to focus on europe as a whole because it's too much work and they would most certainly fail; what's popular in greece won't be popular in sweden or italia.


    anyways. i think that list is more or less what we expected, i'm surprised korea is #6 tho