Posts by KangK

    I don't know why this thread still going on. There is no comparison really. Look at the poll result. It will be the same everywhere else. Hell, I don't even think most kpop community know who are in Enhyphen. Don't even get me started on Twitter. It Is multiple magnitude worst than youtube ad like many has claimed. It is so easy to manipulate for all kpop groups especially boy groups. All you see is hastag spam nonstop by the same people.

    Gaon digital major flaw is not adding youtube music korea. Considering the rise of youtube music korea, I think it's bigger than genie right now. Look at youtube music korea streaming chart, and you be amazed how much better Next level doing better than celebrity. In a 13 weeks time frame. Next level steam is around 80 mil and celebrity is around 40 mil. That right. That is double the amount of stream. If Gaon added youtube chart, then I can see Next level more competitive in Gaon points overall.

    I can say that Next level is the biggest song on youtube music korea at the end of the year.

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    Next level performance on Youtube music korea is staggering. Rollin melon stream is at 150 mil compare to 60 on youtube. Next Level is at 80 on Melon and youtube. It took rollin around 5 and half months and Next Level around 3 months to get there. It is going to surpass butter Next week and it will be the number 1 song at the end of the year. Next week, I can see red velvet takes 1 or 2 weeks at the top, it will go back to aespa the following week.

    Lol. Melon chart is getting massacre right now. LWY made to number 9. BTS old songs start to enter the charts and BTS fandom have not do mass streaming since forever. This is mostly their dedicate fandom who is streaming their songs at this hours. Now wait for NCT and other boys group come back at the same time, and you will see how messy this chart is, but it is kinda fun.

    I'm just thinking about small GGs I admit I was overeating with RV and hopefully aespa but stayc and weeekly idk tbh..

    StayC is OK I think. Girl groups with dedicate fandoms will even do better initially, but they may have a hard time maintain their position on the chart. For rookie girl groups and unknown artists, it is the worst because most songs below 20 are gona occupy by artists with dedicated fandoms, and the chance of them charting are harder than ever.

    Welp, I take back what I said about maybe we were over react. Take a look at the Boyz just now. Basically what I post in this thread is Warren, maybe a bit worst. Girl groups, unknown artists will suffer especially rookie girl groups. Any groups or acts basically can maintain and chart on Melon if they are dedicated. Seeing this, I am even more convince now that the mass streaming era is revived. Someone said the chart basically like genie now, and he/she is right. Look at the chart below and you see the pattern

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    Maybe we are over react a little bit. For sure this chart will increase the visibility for somes and not the others. Also, for unknown artists and rookies, it's even harder now for them to chart especially when they release their songs against well known artists. Because of lack of visibility, the chance of public checking out their song is slim unless they gone viral. I can understand why melon prefer this new chart. At the end of the day, the daily and weekly charts are what is matter. But still, if your song is not high up in the top 100 chart because of visibility, then the less chance you gain uls. Overall, it is better than the real time chart. I think melon tried to find a middle ground here. It is not ideal, but it is what it is.

    When YT Music releases a realtime chart and puts the final nail in Melon's coffin. :pepe-toast:

    A chart is supposed to represent the most popular songs at the time, not to give songs more exposure or whatnot. As seen with the 24Hits chart, LYW is NOT popular AT ALL outside of his fanbase, yet he has multiple songs in the top 100 with this new reform.

    I loved the previous chart, I have no idea why they decided to change it. ?( I don't think they'll change it back though, not unless there's some serious backlash.

    I mean the 24 hours chart is kinda boring according to melon. No movement whatsoever. That is why they introduce this chart to encourage more fandom streamings. I am sure they already had the datas, and they go ahead with the reform anyway. Now that I have sometime to think about this. I am not sure if they gona revert back to the 24 hours chart.

    This is basically back to the old realtime one really benefits from this aside from boy groups or acts who have larger fanbase. Acts with genuine GP interest are going to have a harder time. Not Melon reverting to the very thing that drove their users away in the first place.

    Dolphin was so close to breaking the all-time GG longevity record. I'm screaming.

    Worst reform ever. What a tragedy. Watch they will revert back to 24 hours chart a few days later.

    so this chart favors dedicate fandoms who stick to their fav as most people have pointed out on this chart. Oh boy I feel for rookie girl groups. It's even harder for them to chart now. Most girl groups with dedicate fans will do fine. Also this gona help boy group charting tremendously. Oh boy. Are we seeing where 4 gent boy groups chart better than 4 gent girl group on this chart?

    LWY with 90k daily is rank higher than we ride with 180k. Oh boy.