They do... But only when the scandal is big.
For Culture Appropriation I have never seen one of those scandal get big in Korea
They do... But only when the scandal is big.
For Culture Appropriation I have never seen one of those scandal get big in Korea
None Koreans don’t care.
none of this matters. this was like a week long relationship. mina's mom should be focused on her daughter not sending private photos to some dumb guy
Kpop has not been that big outside of the main acts in years dude. Kpop was probably it’s biggest around 2000-20012 or so with a few dips in between. But for the top groups it’s still decent
Yeah that’s true, maybe sub groups could fill in the gaps for members not able to participate in group activities.
So it’s been awhile just wanted to say hello everyone.
I haven’t been following Kpop as much this year so it surprised me to learn that Some groups such as Gfriend disbanded. Also how groups like Mamamoo had members not resign. However I saw that Wheein actually signed on longer for group activities and only ended her solo contract with her company.
Now it is know that Twice is getting close to their last year presumably of their contract. We should hear about resigning late this year and early next year. Also it is known that JYPE is not exactly known for its solo management and that Twice has had very little solo activities outside of magazine releases and YouTube cover releases. Do you think it is possible members of Twice follows Wheeins example and sign elsewhere for their solo contracts and remain in JYPE for Twice?
Do you think maybe members of BP and RV would also be interested in such an arrangement?
Dating I think has lost its ability to hurt a group. Look at twice, two members confirmed having dated and several rumors about others and this hasn’t really affected them significantly. Same with BP and Jennie, dated and didn’t really hurt them success wise. BTS might be affected but I don’t think enough to claim it seriously impeded their growth or success. But they haven’t been caught yet so we don’t know
Having lived in Korea now for three years I would say no? Here Kpop is more of a child thing than anything else. Not many adult Koreans, adult being roughly college age and up maybe even a little into high school, follow Kpop enough to call it mainstream. But of course the bigger groups are know especially BTS. BTS is definitely mainstream in that everybody knows them so are probably BP and Twice. But I think Twice is a bit too big where some might not be able to name all the members just the most known. Otherwise mostly kpop is known for the few big songs that get popular and some very popular select members from groups like Hwasa or Irene.
as you said their rap is corny as hell but this is kpop and especially as women they are constricted in what kind of lyrics they can sing. As to their rap skills themselves, Jennie and Lisa are obviously good rappers. Yes, kpop raps tend to be corny, Korea is a conservative country and Kpop is too mainstream, it literally cant be anything else but corny as hell. BTS does a good job with their raps but boy groups are usually give more leeway and better lyrics so. I dont think female rappers are taken as seriously in korea as male rappers.
steady for songs that are genuine hits.
BOA was amazing if you think about it as it took a long time for both her all time sales regard and her single album sales record to be broken.
Are you trying too hard? You have just defined steadiness as a mathematical function? LoL
It is just simple; steadiness is not what can be achieved easily with the new chart which was intended to be a better-reflecting chart.
And FYI, LSG is also still in top 10 on FLO which hasn't had any kind of reform.
FLO didn't even exist. Look I dont know maybe English isnt your first language so im not trying to judge but Im saying first and foremost LSG is a huge hit which you need to have steadiness. This chart stabilizes the Melon chart where in the past it used to be easier to get your song into the top ten through targeted streaming. This makes that way harder and makes getting into the top ten harder in general. LSG is. a huge hit so not only did it make it into the top ten, a harder thing now than it was in the past, but has lasted something not easy unless the song is huge. But given that the song is a huge hit it is more likely to stay in the top ten. Thats what I mean, im not really making it hard at all, LSG is doing amazing and this chart stabilized a previously more chaotic chart. Not an insult to BP or something diminishing BP achievement. Its just the truth.