What is the weirdest thing that has happened to you?

  • What is the weirdest that has happened to you?

    For me personally, it's when I left my invisalign case in the bathroom-I lost it. I looked through where it would usually be, couldn't find it. This was on Thursday. The weekend passes, no case. But then MONDAY comes along (last week not today) and it's right where it would usually be, tucked away in the bag I keep my toothbrush and toothpaste in. I know I lost it, I can't find it. None of my family would have been able to find it. And I know its mine, mine is kinda gross, and my dad's is way cleaner. It was in the usual grossness, so it had to be mine. What's yours?

  • Swimming in River and generally messing around in the water. Stood in neck deep water talking to someone on the Beach. A Bat came out of nowhere and hit me in the head. Stunned but not hurt wondering what the heck happened. They pointed to the Bat floundering in the water being carried away by the current. Thought Bats have Radar to not make mistakes like that.

    Another weird thing happened while fishing from a Row Boat. Some how my Sister caught a Seagull. She reeled it in and I held the Seagull while she untangled it from fishing line. Weird cause one minute just fishing everything is calm the next minute holding a smelly Seagull.

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