Is it better to release more mini albums than full albums?
Mini albums are less expensive and take less time. In a kpop market demanding more and more idol activities every year, it is a better choice than full album business wise.
I’ll be honest i hardly have the time to check out every single album that comes out of groups that i’m interested in, let alone those that might interest me but i haven’t known yet. Keeping the albums smaller is a smart idea bc it allows groups to make more regular cbs without fast burnout as well as reduces fatigue for me as a music consumer. There IS a thing as too much content, no matter how many people like to brag about their faves’ constant releases, and i’d rather have like 2/3 very good songs that i can enjoy for a long time than have 10 tracks that are mostly forgettable fillers and don’t have much replay value. The reason albums of western artists have so many more tracks is bc they only release an album per TWO years on average, and extract notable songs from them to release as singles periodically. Kpop artists make much more regular cbs, so keeping it small each time is preferable to me.
if this full album is full of useless songs then i prefer mini album
or go the BP route and include remix versions and preleases and call it an album of 8 songs...
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