War crimes in Butja

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    PUTIN = Most *HATED* Person Alive on Earth Now ???

    How PRChina finds a way to defend PUTIN , their logic escapes me.

    If PUTIN is worse , here (me) , *not* liking XI (PRChina Leader) either.

    PUTIN + XI = TYRANT BUTT BOYS of SHAME (my view).

    Common Citizens of RUSSIA and PRChina should be given

    at least some *consideration* for perhaps *less* hate (my view).

    Witness KIM JONG UN (Rocket Boy) = TYRANT = Sister (Bomb Girl)

    KJU is likely secretly *hated* by *many* N.KOREA citizens ...

    But it would seem , *difficult* to kill KJU ...

    IDI AMIN (UGANDA) = TYRANT , lived 20 Years in SAUDI ARABIA ...

    TYRANTS know to watch their backs at ALL TIMES (it would seem mostly).

    Edited 3 times, last by krell ().

  • forum.allkpop.com/thread/?postID=2798652

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    Russia just murdering and raping kids? Murdering young people? Parents? When the f. are we going to stop this?

    The USA MILITARY Leaders (*MILLEY* and Austin) seem to think as

    that the UKRAINE situation will 'drag on' for MANY YEARS ... In other words,

    *5 YEARS MORE* of UKRAINE *deaths* might NOT be that surprising ??? ...
    The *concern* is (RU) PUTIN using NUCLEAR WEAPONS , plain and simple.

  • They should just let Ukraine be neutral because Putin start the war in order to gain back his country defense. Both sides is wrong here especially Russia. Try put your shoes as a president of a country that its defense become loose because of another country join another alliance. It would result the same. WAR

  • They should just let Ukraine be neutral because Putin start the war in order to gain back his country defense. Both sides is wrong here especially Russia. Try put your shoes as a president of a country that its defense become loose because of another country join another alliance. It would result the same. WAR

    There is not a both sides wrong narrative when a country invades a sovereign country. Stop this bullshit narrative

  • There is not a both sides wrong narrative when a country invades a sovereign country. Stop this bullshit narrative

    MrAkimo123 <-- ... Kataphract <--
    I tend to *disagree* too , with the 'Mr. A' (message) viewpoint as expressed ...
    But 'Mr.A' surely can express that viewpoint ... I do not find it
    as completely unacceptable in nature (the 'Mr. A' viewpoint).

    One can even find elected USA House of Representative members

    who have *strong* sympathy for the 'Mr. A' viewpoint as expressed here.

    Also , 'Mr. A' seems *NOT* likely a 'BOT' either (my guess on it).

    Anyway , having said that , I personally have *difficulty* in accepting

    the *supportive* behavior of PRChina nation towards PUTIN (Russia).

    sassily <--

    Saying that "both sides are at fault" ... is NOT the same as saying

    that you agree or like it , as to what PUTIN has done it in UKRAINE.

    (Hope that I can say this without getting 'anger' aimed at me.)

    Edited 3 times, last by krell ().

  • anyone who still says "both sides are at fault" needs to be shipped to Ukraine, why don't you go see how the Russians treat you since you're so sure they're justified in their actions.

    what Russia is doing in Ukraine is heartbreaking. there are so many refugee kids in our schools by now, some are just confused because they're very young but my sister has one boy in her class who's pretty much traumatised, he experienced the bombing of his city...It's always been a dream of mine to travel on the transsibirian railway but certainly not anytime soon unless there's a complete regime change in Russia and they apologise for their actions.

  • sassily <--

    Saying that "both sides are at fault" ... is NOT the same as saying

    that you agree or like it , as to what PUTIN has done it in UKRAINE.

    (Hope that I can say this without getting 'anger' aimed at me.)

    it is though because it's saying that Putin is justified in doing what he's doing and he's NOT. And honestly the only reason he doesn't want Ukraine to join NATO is because it would prevent him from doing exactly what he's doing already. He's invading any place he feels like bc he knows damn well NATO isn't gonna trigger a full blown war. He acts like a man who knows he can get away with anything not a man extremely worried about his nation's defense. Honestly he seemed surprised and pissed the EU etc even were serious about the economic sanctions this time, he fully expected no resistance whatsoever. So anyone who still spreads the Kreml propaganda that Russia is invading and murdering innocent people because they're just oh so worried is not neutral and should be called out.

  • So anyone who still spreads the Kremlin propaganda that Russia is invading and murdering innocent people because they're just oh so worried (about RU *Defense* issues) is not neutral and should be called out.

    Your argument above is quite convincing , it has my *sympathy* too.

    NOT sure that 'Mr. A' said that he likes it what PUTIN has done it though.

    But okay , I suppose saying that UKRAINE = *NOT* a Perfect Nation,
    is somewhat 'support' of PUTIN (*maybe*) ... I am NO fan of PUTIN ...
    I have an AKP Originated Thread that favors a 'GLAD that PUTIN is DEAD'

    *Global* National Holiday (*one* time event) , celebrated on

    the next FRIDAY after PUTIN DIES -->


    Click for My Thread = NOT Liking PUTIN or XI (RU , PRChina)

    Edited 2 times, last by krell ().

  • There is not a both sides wrong narrative when a country invades a sovereign country. Stop this bullshit narrative

    It's indeed a bullshit narrative, but how did someone need to stop an aggressive country like Russia? It's just a matter of time before Russia launch it nuclear and makes situation getting more worse. Even US couldn't even do anything, they think by putting sanction it will stop a country with power like that and a ruler with don't give a fuck mindset. One of the reason why the countries that support Ukraine does'nt take a step into attacking but just giving an idea or advice to Ukraine because they know it will cause a war. China and North Korea also waiting for this opportunity. These two sides high likely join Russia. If this happen then don't expect only 2 countries getting destroyed, even my country or myself might be die because of collateral damage.

    Even until today, nothing seems a good solution has been found, and the citizens of both country will be ruined at the end of the day. A peace negotiation might be one of the way, but it still need to discuss the interest of both countries. I don't expect that Russia will just go easily

  • It's indeed a bullshit narrative, but how did someone need to stop an aggressive country like Russia? It's just a matter of time before Russia launch it nuclear and makes situation getting more worse. Even US couldn't even do anything, they think by putting sanction it will stop a country with power like that and a ruler with don't give a fuck mindset. One of the reason why the countries that support Ukraine does'nt take a step into attacking but just giving an idea or advice to Ukraine because they know it will cause a war. China and North Korea also waiting for this opportunity. These two sides high likely join Russia. If this happen then don't expect only 2 countries getting destroyed, even my country or myself might be die because of collateral damage.

    Even until today, nothing seems a good solution has been found, and the citizens of both country will be ruined at the end of the day. A peace negotiation might be one of the way, but it still need to discuss the interest of both countries. I don't expect that Russia will just go easily

    I think that you are underestimating the sheer amount of power of the NATO and how dependent China is on the globalization. It’s true that the usage of not even nuclear weapons (even chemical weapons) will trigger an escalation but Russia is already having problems with the invasion of Ukraine. Another escalation containing the biggest military alliance and further isolation within a time where globalization is an essential factor to survive as a country, is not really smart for Russia or the countries that you have mentioned. Yes, it might lead to the expansion of the war but the first person to trigger a nuclear weapon, will also be the first person to be destroyed by most of the other nuclear weapon holder. An escalation is nobody’s interest, not even China’s. All in all, don’t underestimate the NATO alliance, don’t overestimate China’s loyalty and Russia’s military power. They are using a lot of outdated military equipment from old wars (even WW2!!)

  • We should be careful with news from war zones, because you can be sure of one thing, both the ukrainians and russians will lie, hid and bend the truth to promote their cause. A lot of the news reporting is very "ukrainian biased" and also mix up different things and don't always explain the whole picture. For example reporting on "mass graves". Sure, but at least the first and biggest one they claimed had "found" was digged by the ukrainians themself to bury their dead. But they news put up their headlines is sounds like the russian dumped the dead in mass graves, which was not the true.

    Also, they are fighting in the streets with two armys shooting with heavy weapons at each other, of cource people will die in a war like that. Yes, some russian solider have probably done bad things, but it's very hard to tell how common it is with a lot of things getting mixed up and the ukrainians want to promote an image of how bad the russians are.

  • We should be careful with news from (UKRAINE) war zones ...

    Okay , but hopefully we can all mostly *agree* that -->

    (1) The *location* of the fighting (deaths , destruction) is

    ... in UKRAINE , and *not* RUSSIA.

    (2) PUTIN *chose* the OPTION to use MILITARY FORCE to

    ... invade UKRAINE.

    (3) And that PUTIN had *other options* than what he has now

    ... *chosen* to do it with UKRAINE (deaths , destruction).

    But I am 'okay' with what you said it in your message overall.

    Just here , me , NOT seeing it (UKRAINE WAR) quite as you do.

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