quite a few I see

How many 4th gen ggs did not debut underaged idols during debut?
Rolling Quartz: youngest was 24.
QODES too.
Pink Fantasy: maknae was 20.
The correct answer everyone is NO ONE. Well except for Viviz if you consider them a true Gen 4 group.
You are putting USA values on a non American group. Underage is 20 years old in Korea. Last I heard all the KPOP groups from 4G are from Korea so don't know why you think a standard from a different country other than South Korea applies to them.
Just wanna clarify that 20 in korean age is 19 in international age. Koreans stop being considered minors the year they turn nineteen.
So for example BP debuted with no minors in the group.
Sorry people your wrong.
Quote from Wikipedia.
"For official government uses, documents, and legal procedures, the international system is used. Regulations regarding age limits on beginning school, as well as the age of consent, are all based on this system (man-nai).[11][15] The age qualifier for tobacco and alcohol use is actually similar to, but distinct from the East Asian reckoning system. A person is allowed tobacco and alcohol if it is after January 1 of the year one turns nineteen (post-birth age).[16] This is the "year age", which is basically (Korean age – one), or when a person's Korean age is twenty"
This exactly what I said though
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