Would you choose not ever having your periods if it meant not having kids?
I am never changing my mind and it sucks that I have to suffer through this shit every month until I'm menopausal.
Too lazy to actually do anything about it, but I that's something I'd want to do.
I can't see myself having kids in the future anyways, but I guess if I really want kids I would adopt. Honestly, I don't care if child birth is "better" or adopting is more "difficult". Pregnancy scares me and I'm not putting myself through that pain. No thank you.
Too lazy to actually do anything about it, but I that's something I'd want to do.
I can't see myself having kids in the future anyways, but I guess if I really want kids I would adopt. Honestly, I don't care if child birth is "better" or adopting is more "difficult". Pregnancy scares me and I'm not putting myself through that pain. No thank you.
Same here
the idea of pregnancy is sth alien to me and I think I will freak the fuck out if it happens to me
yes, i have made up my mind to not have kids or get married
If I ever changed my mind, I would adopt.
my pain inspired the thread
whats worse is that period usually trigger my migraine too
like I wanna die
if its a safe procedure then yeahhhh i'd rather not have any kids
Hell yeah not having periods and kids win-win bro and If I do want kids I can simply just adopt
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