Do you believe zodiac signs are accurate?
The Chinese Zodiac - absolutely...of course it is
full of BS just like western zodiacs
Shhhhh!!!! Big Zodiac gonna order a hit on you!!
not really. but i do blidly believe in mbti personality types
Not at all, but I do enjoy reading about their personality traits and whatnot.
mines seems pretty accurate
Nope not at all
I feel like each zodiac sign is a very general collective of personality traits that fit a lot of people. It's a bit of an illusion.
Everybody's stubborn like a Taurus at times. Everybody's got two sides to them like a Gemini. Most people would like to think they're family-oriented and free-spirited like an Aquarius.
If anything, I feel like they're just stereotypes that got the okay from most people. I'm surprised they're still socially acceptable.
Yay! What's your MBTI? I'm an INFP (completely unlike Sana lmfao).
Yay! What's your MBTI? I'm an INFP (completely unlike Sana lmfao).
Yay! I'm an ENFJ, also completely unlike Sana
but like Chan, my ult bias.
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