Hello, I think there may be enough people willing to support the petition that I'll at least try to get them some badges in a bit, but before I do that, I wanted to make sure people would like how the badges would look. Here, I would like you to submit how you want the badges to look and then, we'll vote later on for which ones to use for the official voting and then we'll try to get them nominated. It'll be a process but should be do-able. Anyways, step one, which we are doing right now, is which images to use for the badges. Here are some I found/made:
Group and Fandom Badges:
DreamNote Group Logo Badge.pngDreamNote Fandom Badge.png
Fandom Color Badges (the official fandom colors are gold and green, I added the pink to match the group/fandom badges and the member badges):
DreamNote Pink Badge.pngDreamNote Gold Badge.pngDreamNote Green Badge.png
Member Pictures (I am aware these pictures are rectangular and need to be square, I'll fix them if we end up using them):
DreamNote Badge Boni.pngDreamNote Badge Eunjo.pngDreamNote Badge Lara.pngDreamnote Badge Miso.pngDreamNote Badge Sumin.pngDreamNote Badge Youi.png
What do you guys think? Good? Bad? I went with cutesy stuff for a few reasons:
1) These are the type of badges I find cute and would want to buy in all honesty.
2) I made them, so I decided how they should look.
3) Yes, they did Ghost recently and that was a darker concept, but the vast majority of their songs are cutesy, so I figured that made more sense to do.
4) I love pink and wanted more pink badges for a group.
Please submit your own ideas or give me feedback for my current ones. I don't love the group/fandom ones as much as the other ones, so if someone would like to improve those ones in particular, that would be great, though as I said before, I am open to badge suggestion for any of these aspects. Would you like Ghost era badges or cutesy badges from a different DreamNote era? I'm all ears. Have a great day/night!
Also, if you know anyone who might be interested, please let me know and I can add them to the list. If you are on the list of people who might be interested and do not want to be there, let me know and I can take you off of it.