What is going on with Myanmar and why noone talks about it or do something?

  • I heard on news before that military took reign of country. But I thought: "OK, maybe it was wish of people" or something like that. We had in the past the political situation where military went against president, but it was wish of people and after some time military and police just became part of those people and fight together with them to take down government. So I thought that this is the same.

    Today, I read that actually people dont want it and are trying to stop it and ASKING FOR HELP. Ofc, with power military and police have, those people who are protesting disappear or get arrested. Also, military and police started to get out of prison criminals to destroy and scare people even more.

    Now, I wonder where are those human rights fighters (people, countries and organizations)..... Proving as always that they look only their asses.

  • well what do you want them do to launch an invasion and go to war?

    those are humanitarian organisations not soldiers and fighters...

    they can raise awareness "dob" you in to the UN etc but they can't physically go to Myanmar can they?

  • well what do you want them do to launch an invasion and go to war?

    those are humanitarian organisations not soldiers and fighters...

    they can raise awareness "dob" you in to the UN etc but they can't physically go to Myanmar can they?

    They could do it in a lot of other situations where the reasons didnt even exist (the reasons actually were made up or fired up by them) bc it was good for their asses. Lol! People actually know so little.....

  • They could do it in a lot of other situations where the reasons didnt even exist (the reasons actually were made up or fired up by them) bc it was good for their asses. Lol! People actually know so little.....

    but you are talking about the humanitarian rights people...

    Now, I wonder where are those human rights fighters (people, countries and organizations) so you're talking about actual human rights fighters then I'm not too sure...what human rights fighters are you referring to previously? (as in actual soliders?)

  • but you are talking about the humanitarian rights people...

    Now, I wonder where are those human rights fighters (people, countries and organizations) so you're talking about actual human rights fighters then I'm not too sure...what human rights fighters are you referring to previously? (as in actual soliders?)

    UN and all countries that are part of it. Do you know that they go and start wars around the world as "fighting for rights" when it is good for them???

  • Actually UN has Blue Helmets, but in the past there were already controversies that some soldiers expected free sex, or they trigerred even bigger conflicts because people were nervous around them and do stupid things, not mentioning that some criminals/terrorists were targeting people who were talking to Blue Helmets etc.

  • UN and all countries that are part of it. Do you know that they go and start wars around the world as "fighting for rights" when it is good for them???

    ok i gotcha so not the human rights fighters per se but the UN and actual countries...

    well in that case I think the issue has been referred to the UN but there may be countries that block the vote (we know which ones)

    the thing is there's no resources to be had in Myanmar so without US support no country is going out of its way to fight for something they get nothing in return which I guess is the topic of your thread...

    the question is is that right or otherwise...

  • I heard on news before that military took reign of country. But I thought: "OK, maybe it was wish of people" or something like that. We had in the past the political situation where military went against president, but it was wish of people and after some time military and police just became part of those people and fight together with them to take down government. So I thought that this is the same.

    Today, I read that actually people dont want it and are trying to stop it and ASKING FOR HELP. Ofc, with power military and police have, those people who are protesting disappear or get arrested. Also, military and police started to get out of prison criminals to destroy and scare people even more.

    Now, I wonder where are those human rights fighters (people, countries and organizations)..... Proving as always that they look only their asses.

    It´s not that simple, you cannot just go to a random country and say I´m going to fight against your regime because I don´t like it.... there is such thing as state sovereignty. Also I´m sure that UN Peacekeepers actually need to be invited by the country in order to legally operate on their territory.



  • Yesss! It is the topic of thread.

  • well it wasn't that clear especially when you mentioned human rights fighters so i thought you meant something different

    but anyways i thibk i've given my opinion... lol

    Yeah.. I know, I just wanted to get akron with replay. xD

    And I said countries and organisations.

    But I included people too bc so many of them dont have empathy for anything that isnt affecting them and they dont care about it. Like at all! Which I find sad and hypocritical...

    Ofc, ordinary people cant do anything huge, but at least show some interest, empathy or something. Learn something outside of your own environment and views. I even think that if people showed more of those things, some bad things could be prevented or at least end better.

  • Yeah.. I know, I just wanted to get akron with replay. xD

    And I said countries and organisations.

    But I included people too bc so many of them dont have empathy for anything that isnt affecting them and they dont care about it. Like at all! Which I find sad and hypocritical...

    Ofc, ordinary people cant do anything huge, but at least show some interest, empathy or something. Learn something outside of your own environment and views. I even think that if people showed more of those things, some bad things could be prevented or at least end better.

    My friend you know me well enough by now that I generally try to understand an issue before making a comment about haha I've seen you react to my numerous knowledge posts and other "meaningful posts" to know that... :-)

    and i agree with your sentiments and the more people know of something the better it is for them and society...knowledge is power after all

  • There's not much you can do without initiating a war in the country. You may try going the economical sanction route, but only the West is not enough. Myanmar major economical partners are China, Japan and ASEAN. Without their support on economical sanctions, there's nothing the West can do aside from a war. They can try to force Japan and ASEAN into agreeing to economical sanctions. But, of course, not China.

  • Your law means nth in this case. Do you really think that they esteem all those laws (at least in the right way)?

    They dont ask you to let them to your territory. They come and say: "You will let us in and do this and this, if not, we will bomb you until you agree!" And the end. Trap from which you cant escape.

    That´s not how this works at all, but I see that there is no point in having this discussion



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