Capture d’écran 2022-01-24 182232.png
I have been working on a different project entirely for the past couple of months while 2 of my colleagues were working on this, but when i finished my previous tasts last thursday i was given a part of this project (there are 3 buildings total so now my two colleagues and i have one building each to achieve), i only had friday to start working on this shit and my boss woke up today and chose violence, he sent all 3 of us an email informing us that he expects at least 2 complete floors by the end of the day today (it is already 6.30pm lololol)
how the fuck am i supposed to achieve in only 2 days the same amount of work my colleagues did in at least 2 weeks?????
you guys have no idea how freaking irritating this work is when the plans are tilted to the side like that, i am in pain and i havn't even finished one floor