[BTS CONTENT] AKP ARMY, let's talk about the civil war going on in ARMY #culttingz

  • akp armys have been very nice to me.

    1. What do you think we could do differently in regards to differing opinions within ARMY?

    Nothing, lets fight

    3. Do you personally ever feel like your voice is being silenced? No

    6. Has your overall experience with ARMY been positive, neutral or negative? Positive

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  • I've only been an Army since last year so can't really comment on fanwars. I stay out of them anyway, not my scene. I have found my time so far to be positive overrall, well compared to other fandoms anyway. I like how fans support BTS and have found the reaction here favourable enough.

  • work in progress

    Edited once, last by Sara-M ().

  • 1. No need to change anything about that. Difference in opinion is normal and necessary, to see different perspectives. Just carry out conversations in a civil way, which I think most of us are capable.

    2. We are very huge and very united when it comes to supporting BTS. Like we might fight among ourselves over other stuff but when it comes to supporting the members we always do our best, and that's out biggest strength.

    For me personally, a weakness is that conversations tend to have two extremes. Like what a user said above, not everything is black and white. So just agree to disagree because you can't change each other's perspectives and it'll only lead to more fights. Now this one's for twitter armys mostly but could apply to any platform ig, some of yall genuinely care about putting down other than hyping bts up. And yall get bts dragged every single time too. So kindly stop glorifying yourself as "protectors of bts" and sort out your priorities.

    3. Not really, my twitter space is curated pretty well and most guild members are pretty united when it comes to BTS (that's all I need anyways) so I mainly vibe with likeminded people. But even when there's debates and stuff about topics like company and junior groups and blah blah, people are always willing to hear me out. We obviously don't agree on a lot of things, but I never feel like I can't voice out my opinions in fear of being shunned. It's more like "the most that can happen is another fight" but we reconcile/forget about it later anyways.

    4. One thing I'd change is stop giving attention to trolls. I said this yesterday but we already know these people mean no good and just want a reaction out of us, so why bother? Achievements speak for themselves, and whenever past is brought up, we all know growth has occurred. So just ignore them for your own peace of mind. And the thing with akp armys is like, a lot of us are very protective, so whenever a troll or a hate comment is quoted we all do it in mass and it comes off as ganging up on people even if it was unintentional in most cases. So unless it's some very vile shit (like the transphobic comment made a few days ago) that needs interference, don't interact with them.

    5. How we always give our 100% for the boys, our determination and our drive. Never one to shy away from setting seemingly unrealistic goals and actually reaching them lmaooo. One thing I really really admire about the fandom is how they are always standing up for good causes. Please never change that.

    6. It's been mostly positive. Some moments here and there, but I really enjoy being in the fandom. And I'm surrounded by good, fun and chill (ok maybeee I should put a mostly here) armys in my space, so I don't think I'll ever stop enjoying being an army.

  • i'll bite :pepe-smug:

    1. What do you think we could do differently in regards to differing opinions within ARMY?

    Simple- Let other people have opinions

    2. What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of ARMY?

    Strength? Numbers. a HUGE fandom that at least tries to be OT7 even though they don't really succeed a lot of times. Weaknesses? Too many young fans. I cannot stand young ML fans in particular, but all members have annoying sects of fans. Too many new fans. I wish it was a more mature fandom like most groups of their age, even if that meant BTS wasn't breaking records every five seconds

    3. Do you personally ever feel like your voice is being silenced?

    No. I say whatever I want generally, although I'm not always interested in arguing

    4. What one thing would you change about ARMY?

    stop being such bullies. stop being so reactionary

    5. What one thing would you not change about ARMY?

    They support BTS as a group. They show up for BTS always

    6. Has your overall experience with ARMY been positive, neutral or negative?

    Hmmmmmmm that's hard. I guess negative especially now. A lot of them get on my nerves. Too many hybe stans, too many English songs apologists, too many shippers, too many that I just can't relate to in any way

  • 1. Nothing - opinions are like fart. Some stink more than others but we all need to let it out. Just don’t take someone opinion “personally”, but this is not a fandom-thing but an individual responsibility

    2. Strength - organized, united, strongly OT7, passionate, know how to put fighting aside to work toward common goal then fight afterward

    3. No - People can be aggressive but I don’t feel silenced

    4. Idk 🤷‍♀️ Stop fighting for hybe?

    5. Passionate and loyal

    6. In real life - very positive. Online - I rarely interact with any but most have been polite.

  • 1. What do you think we could do differently in regards to differing opinions within ARMY?

    having different opinions is a natural thing, and it's a good sign imo since it shows that we're not afraid to express our honest thoughts instead of always going with the flow.

    if it's just a difference of opinions in a casual discussion I think we simply need to learn to agree to disagree (probably easier said than done, like someone mentioned)

    but it's an actual serious argument/fight, I think it's important to remain respectful, and if we fail to do so, at least realize that and apologize/ fix that attitude before it's too late.

    2. What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of ARMY?

    - strength: how organized and dedicated the fandom is

    - weekness: I feel like each individual has their own flaws so it's hard to point out a specific weakness when there are so many different people with different flaws in the fandom. but the few main issues I can think of rn are: (obviously these only to apply to a small portion of the fandom)

    * spreading misinfo, twisting the boys' words

    * being too gullible, easily believing what other fans or what outsiders say about bts without seeing proper receipts

    * blowing up negativity when it could've gone unnoticed

    * being too nosy and not respecting the members' privacy

    3. Do you personally ever feel like your voice is being silenced?

    hmm yes and no ? idr being silenced (at least not often and not harshly) but I tend to be careful/think too much when I write, and sometimes refrain from posting about certain topics. that seems more like my issue though.

    4. What one thing would you change about ARMY?

    In an ideal world I would say get rid of toxic fans, akgaes, shippers and stalker fans but that sounds too ideal and tbh I can't really imagine it realistically. those type of fans will always exist and there isn't much to do about it.

    my point is: idt the army fandom is perfect but at the same time I wouldn't change anything cause I'm the type of person who just can't imagine things differently if that makes sense.

    5. What one thing would you not change about ARMY?

    OT7 ARMY's genuine love and support for all the boys

    6. Has your overall experience with ARMY been positive, neutral or negative?

    overall positive

  • 1. Respect each others opinions without either side calling each other something "negative" as mantis, company stans or whatever there is to find out there like it is embarrassing and I know a lot of Us is 20+ so we should be more tolerable.

    2. I think our size is both our strength and weakness, because with size comes a lot of good and bad people into the fandom and a lot of opinions.

    3. I guess people try to dismiss my opinions but I could care less tbh.

    4. I would really want them to be more tolerable about each others differencing opinions and really want them to stop being so negative as they have been lately.

    5. The way they can unite when needed.

    6. I would say from 2013-2019 has been mainly positive but since 2020 november I think it has been 50% positive and 50% negative because for some odd reason the bigger the fandom gets and the longer there is between comebacks more negative do the fandom get imo. So yeah I have chosen to not participate much in the fandom in general because all of the negativity is making me not appreciate BTS and their music/content as much as I used to.

    “we never felt so young”


  • opinions are like fart. Some stink more than others but we all need to let it out.

    why is this so true tho lmao giving controversial opinions in a thread full of armys saying the opposite from you is like realizing you don't give a fuck and just let it rip :waterr:

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    We're bored now and fighting. One can only imagine when they start to enlist.

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