Display Moreto me a lot of the times it comes down to how one communicates ... either in person or online...
like the art of having an actual discussion...for me the purpose isn't to "win" the argument or whatever but to better understand the other person's perspective...
if one comes to a forum with that mindset to better understand why a person says the things they say instead of getting defensive or whatever then those terms never have to be used to begin with...
like let's say someone says X idol is a better singer than Y idol and Y idol was one of my favs - it's so much easier to reply DELUSIONAL than go into a proper discussion...
I still remember in primary school (elementary school) we were taught about the 5 Ws - where, why, what, who and how...and I still use it when I need to...asking a simple why do you think X is better...
if we can focus more on the discussion and how to discuss I'm sure it will reduce a lot of the negative terms used regardless of whether they are abelist or otherwise...but that my friend is much harder and it's much easier to just go...OMG you're so [insert random insult here]
It is, and it also becomes the nature of the forums because we know the users for a longer time.
I'm guilty of that too and am trying to work on it by commenting less on the usual stuff that makes me comment such things or by ignoring comments from users I don't like.
But still I want to keep this thread more focused on abelism so I'll just stop here lol :shyy: