This is my first time being a cat mom in over 18 years
So my poor kitty who's about 7 months old and is male seems to be constipated based on reaserch i've done.
He's trying to go and he can't, he's thrown up a few times, i've given him milk and put a bit of olive oil on his food
the poor guy is breathing heavy and crying and i had to put towels down everywhere...I really don't know what else i can do for him
except call the vet in the mornin and it's 12:23 am here they don't open for another 7 hours.
I'm praying the milk gives him diarrhea but until than i feel so helpless and staring at him and how he's suffering is killing me
is there anyone who has any other advice/ideas? I have miralax but i read it's best not to use that unless a vet tells me too.
I have stool softeners for humans but in gel tablets so i can't just break them open and spread it over his food or water.
he is drinking and ate a little.
ahh i feel so terrible