Humor/likes to jokes around and kindness

What is one quality in a person that instantly makes you like them?
can admit when they are wrong/ made a mistake.
You are standing with friends in a circle, everyone bursting with chatter.
The topic of conversation switches and jumps and twists and you are left just a split second behind.
Eventually the group lands on something slightly familiar. You are reminded of a funny story, a quote, a book you read, it doesn’t really matter what, only that you finally have something to add. You no longer feel distanced or on the edge of things.
You open your mouth, start to talk.
Only, your voice is lost in the blur of conversation. They are unintentionally talking over you.
You shut your mouth, back to your place, slightly on the outside.
Only, one girl turns to you.
“What were you saying?” She smiles and listens.
When someone pays attention not just to the person in the spotlight. When someone is willing to stop, just for a second, even when they don’t have to. When someone notices things that would be easier to ignore.
That’s when I immediately like them.
I agree. It's when they exhibit kindness and caring, not just to me, but also to others.
Benevolence and People that can make me laugh or smile.
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