fixing jeongyeon's stylism in scientist

  • fixing jeongyeon's scientist stylism because i love her and her stylist doesn't

    so this is the outfit i hate in question


    first of all, the hair: personal opinion, i think she looks the most beautiful with brown hair and maybe some strikes of fantasy color for the concept, and for this comeback, i think her hair down, medium to short, would look perfect

    something like this:


    and maybe with some fun hair clips like these to fit the concept:


    and for the OUTFIT, a suit would fit her soOooO WELL, an open blazer, white t-shirt, no belt (belt makes everything look more crowded when there are many layers), i visualize something very close to this:


    the overall would kinda look like this (totally photoshop i swear, no ms paint):


  • I think she looks really pretty in Scientist, and I feel bad that she is continuously singled out as being the least attractive, especially recently while she's dealing with recovering from her mental health struggles.

    let's be friends


  • I really like her outfits, I just think she suited another hairstyle too, maybe another color? idk lol I was a shocked and happy to see her performing, I was under the impression her neck injury was permanent ;(

  • the outfit isn't good but honestly it would have looked really good on her some years ago

    They just styled her without accounting for weight gain and didn't put much thought into it

    Which was really dumb of course

    u r m o m g a y


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