If I Was A Kpop Producer Man WOO!AH! Payday Would Be My Dream Debut
If I woke up one day as a Korean Kpop Producer wearing JYP pants.
I would use my Super Korean Executive Power to will my new girl group to debut with Payday.
Finally a song that hits all my imaginary boxes.
Pretty and listenable. Beautiful.
And catchy enough you can sing along.
Actual honest to god full singing and choruses. Without all the weird chanting yelling, talk singing that's trend these days.
No unnecessary rap. No fronting and I'm Bad Artifice.
Isn't overproduced. No whiz bang production excess.
Uniforms!! Pretty!
Has an amateur simplicity and charm without actually being cheap or wanting. No it's refreshing.
Soft and feminine aesthetic without being too cutesy nor being too cold or fantastical.
It's pretty. Smooth. Charming.
Goes out and does what so many forget to do with all their trying and budget.
Have pretty girls singing a pretty song and dancing charmingly.
Sounds simple right?
But it isn't.
And if I were a Kpop Producer Man this would be my dream debut.
Do you all like it?