YouTube is planning to remove the public dislikes count, starting today
Well it's also time to removed contents that are supposedly not for kids and clickbait shts
It's kind of interesting to know which videos aren't liked as much but well
"my subscribers"? you have a YouTube channel?!
also agreed, that's a much more useful thing to fix
Yes........ I even had someone unsub and resub recently cause they thought I stopped uploading since my stuff was not popping into their feed. YT has a lot of algorithm fixing to do before removing a dislike button
I am also an part of an Youtube video game podcast and have an edit channel. I have been on Youtube a minute and wish they would fix their shiz.
what's your channel name? ..I wanna subscribe..
what's your channel name? ..I wanna subscribe..
it is the same as my username here lol
and I appreciate that
what's the point tho
FR they need to fix the issue where my subscribers have the bell turned on but still do not get notified on uploads or posts
LIKE TF is hiding the dislikes from public view gonna do
This has been a problem ever since they introduced the notifications bell and has never been fixed
This has been a problem ever since they introduced the notifications bell and has never been fixed
I know and it is like. Why have the feature if it does not fix or improve the thing it was meant to fix and prevent?
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