i went through an old thread

  • and look at these treasures!

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    they're very true of course and we will get token angry users in here BUT

    why do i see people treating Armys like they're subhuman on here? (this is a rhetorical question that i know the answer to, to be shared at a later date of course)

    and i'm not talking when they get into an argument THEY started. i'm talking about when they're minding their business and people think it's very silly goofy haha funny to get a dig at BTS/one of the members bc it's still considered accepted and "edgy" and "cool". and then people get angry when Armys give pushback as if they're supposed to lie down and take it?

    and you can say that this can be said about most fandoms (and it can), but you have to admit it's much more prevalent for Armys and lots of people on here have a secret hate-boner for Armys and it's giving weird hater energy especially when most of them could give less of a fuck about you.

    now i am NOT saying that Armys are exempt from that. because Armys fuck up. a lot. but that does NOT make us special or different from the rest of any fandom. what i am saying is that we're held to a different standard. and it's stupid. stop.

    lately i have been witnessing people doing this! (this was before my "but namjoon" thread existed so it's not about any certain situation so don't even think of going there)

    but it is true. out of my 5 years of being on this forum, slowly and slowly, an environment has been created where bullying is not ok unless an Army is the target. when it should be: bullying is not ok. whether you're a MY, Exo-L, NCTZEN, Army, Blink, etc., bullying should NOT be okay.

    i do not understand why that concept is so hard to grasp.

    and you can't say this shit doesn't exist because it absolutely does. even outside akp.

    i don't mind if this thread goes into the dumpster fire bc you know i'm right!

    this thread will probably be fine until people with no pfps or people with like 3 akorns come in here having a superiority complex/holier than thou attitude as if we aren't all humans at the end of the day

    newsflash: stanning any group doesn't make you better than any other kpop fan lmao

    and don't try to point fingers at me, i'm a multi and stan all the groups you do, do not clown on yourself :fingerk:

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

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    idk about now but armies have always had this kind of thing happening to them on the forum it's not surprising..

    I guess it's because bts has such a big fandom and with that, the bad ones can stand out a lot and create an image

    which is wrong, bullying in any form is wrong and can't be justified

    people think it seems cool to gang up on one fandom but it just comes off as strange :|

  • idk about now but armies have always had this kind of thing happening to them on the forum it's not surprising..

    I guess it's because bts has such a big fandom and with that, the bad ones can stand out a lot and create an image

    which is wrong, bullying in any form is wrong and can't be justified

    people think it seems cool to gang up on one fandom but it just comes off as strange :|


    ganging up on any fandom is literally not okay!!!! but somehow people will twist what i said into some weird "Armys are perfect" narrative.

    and you're right, the bad ones stand out so the rest of us who actually want to be friends with other users actually have to put in more effort and try harder to differentiate ourselves. it is tiring to say the least.

    i'm saving this in depth idea for later but bc BTS is big and their fandom is big too, they're an easy target for ridicule.

    bc there are so many people, it's not like someone actually feels hurt by those words..... right?

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • FeLiNa

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  • no but they're literally people behind the screen..maybe a reminder of this is needed because people saying it's okay to bully a fandom as a whole is crazy to me, and it would be if it were any other fandom because it doesn't make sense to make people feel unwelcome and not accepted because others happen to wreck "the image" of the fandom. what is there to be angry about you saying it's not okay to bully armys, that should be a given because bullying is never okay.

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