Gaon is the exact number of korean sales. Hanteo is estimated based on stores that report sales to hanteo. Hanteo sales is updated realtime basically, while gaon is updated once per week.
Gaon is the exact number of korean sales. Hanteo is estimated based on stores that report sales to hanteo. Hanteo sales is updated realtime basically, while gaon is updated once per week.
Their solo album numbers from hanteo to gaon seem closer than their albums that get us distribution so first month might be a close number to the hanteo one, next month rosé did around 80k more, but following month increase is smaller than the album do: 800k-900k
Like i said, Lisa wouldnt be affected a lot by lesser Chinese support cause SEA is another big pool of support for her. Actually not only Lisa but the whole Blackpink
Exactly. SEA fans are loyal af and the overall population is what? Probably nearing 700m people. I think people underestimate the selling power of SEA based on what is now out of date information and old, no longer relevant, buying power.